Mar 24, 2025
Celebrate National Nutrition Month with "Moving and Grooving"!
March is National Nutrition Month, and as child care providers, you help shape healthy habits that children will use for life. This month, we encourage you to not just focus on healthy meals and snacks, but also on the importance of physical activity in our shared mission to support children's overall growth and development.
On May 15th, join our "Moving and Grooving in Your Child Care Program" training to discover the importance of musical experiences during the early years as a way to keep kids active. From dance breaks to outdoor play, you'll learn fun and practical strategies to support motor skills and spark a love for movement.
Celebrate National Nutrition Month by promoting healthy, active lifestyles in your program! Be sure to visit our training calendar to register today.
Mar 24, 2025
¡Celebre el Mes Nacional de la Nutrición con "Moviéndose y bailando"!
Marzo es el Mes Nacional de la Nutrición y, como proveedores de cuidado infantil, ayudan a dar forma a hábitos saludables que los niños usarán de por vida. Este mes, lo alentamos a que no solo se concentre en comidas y refrigerios saludables, sino también en la importancia de la actividad física en nuestra misión compartida de apoyar el crecimiento y desarrollo general de los niños.
El 15 de mayo, únase a nuestra capacitación "Moverse y bailar en su programa de cuidado infantil" para descubrir la importancia de las experiencias musicales durante los primeros años como una forma de mantener a los niños activos. Desde pausas para bailar hasta juegos al aire libre, aprenderá estrategias divertidas y prácticas para apoyar las habilidades motoras y despertar el amor por el movimiento.
¡Celebre el Mes Nacional de la Nutrición promoviendo estilos de vida saludables y activos en su programa! Asegúrese de visitar nuestro calendario de capacitación para registrarse hoy.
Mar 17, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
Mar 10, 2025
Virtual Class Registration NOW Open.
We are pleased to announce that registration for the next session of virtual class training is now open.
Classes will offer information on helping children who have experienced trauma, safety throughout the year, moving and grooving in your child care program, child abuse and maltreatment and more.
Seats will fill up fast so visit the website and register today!
Mar 10, 2025
La registración para las clases virtuales YA ESTÁ ABIERTA.
Nos complace anunciar que la registración para la próxima sesión de capacitaciones de clases virtuales ya está abierta.
Las clases ofrecerán información sobre cómo ayudar a los niños que han experimentado un trauma, seguridad durante todo el año, moverse y bailar en su programa de cuidado infantil, abuso y maltrato infantil y más.
¡Los asientos se llenarán rápidamente, así que visite el sitio web y regístrese hoy!
Mar 07, 2025
Time to Spring Forward.
Daylight Savings Time begins this coming Sunday, March 9. This means clocks turn forward one hour resulting in more light in the evening and less light in the morning.
While you change your clocks take some time to complete other program maintenance and administrative tasks such as:
- Checking smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to be sure they are in good working order and have fresh batteries.
- Conduct a program Shelter in Place drill and document it has been done.
- Review first aid kit and emergency bag supplies and replenish any as needed.
- Check in with families to verify that contact information on file is still valid and update it as needed.
- Check staff training records to confirm everyone is on target to meet their requirements and have them register for something if needed.
Although this means we lose an hour of sleep, it also means that spring is right around the corner (March 20)!
Mar 07, 2025
Es hora de saltar hacia adelante.
El horario de verano comienza el próximo domingo 9 de marzo. Esto significa que los relojes se adelantan una hora, lo que da como resultado más luz por la noche y menos luz por la mañana.
Mientras cambia sus relojes, tómese un tiempo para completar otras tareas administrativas y de mantenimiento del programa, tales como:
- revisar los detectores de humo y monóxido de carbono para asegurarse de que estén en buen estado de funcionamiento y tengan baterías nuevas;
- llevar a cabo un simulacro de refugio en el lugar del programa y documentar que se ha realizado;
- revisar el botiquín de primeros auxilios y los suministros de la bolsa de emergencia y reponga los que sea necesario;
- consultar con las familias para verificar que la información de contacto en el archivo siga siendo válida y actualícela según sea necesario;
- revisar los registros de capacitación del personal para confirmar que todos están en el camino correcto para cumplir con sus requisitos y pídales que se registren para algo si es necesario.
Aunque esto significa que perdemos una hora de sueño, ¡también significa que la primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina (20 de marzo)!
Feb 24, 2025
Are you looking for in-service training opportunities?
On-Demand Training gives you 24/7 access to more than 20 training topics. They include handout materials, activities, and directions for conducting On-Demand Training sessions. Directors and/or qualified trainers in child day care centers, school-age child care programs, family and group family day care homes, enrolled legally exempt group programs, and qualified trainers in Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCR&Rs) can apply to become On-Demand Trainers.
Learn more about On-Demand Training!
Feb 24, 2025
¿Busca oportunidades de capacitación en el trabajo?
La capacitación de On-Demand le ofrece acceso 24/7 a más de 20 temas de capacitación. Incluyen folletos, actividades e instrucciones para dictar las sesiones de capacitación de On-Demand. Los directores o capacitadores calificados en centros de cuidado infantil, programas de cuidado de niños en edad escolar, hogares de cuidado diurno familiar grupal y familiar, programas de grupos legalmente exentos inscritos y capacitadores calificados en Agencias de Recursos y Referencias de Cuidado Infantil (CCR&R, por sus siglas en inglés) pueden aplicar para convertirse en capacitadores de On-Demand.
¡Conozca más sobre la capacitación de On-Demand!
Feb 10, 2025
NEW Active Supervision in Child Care Training Opportunity.
Join us for this important virtual training that will provide you with information on creating a culture of safety in your program and teach you ways to implement the strategies of active supervision to keep children safe and prevent injuries.
Choose the date and time that works for you:
- Tuesday 2/11 from 1-2:15PM
- Wednesday 3/5 from 6:30-7:45PM
- Thursday 3/20 from 1-2:15PM
- Thursday 4/10 from 6:30-7:45PM
- Wednesday 4/30 from 6:30-7:45PM
- Wednesday 5/21 from1-2:15PM
This training, available in both English and Spanish, provides 1.25 hours of training credit upon successful completion of a post-test.
Register today!
Feb 10, 2025
NUEVA Oportunidad de Capacitación en Supervisión Activa en Cuidado Infantil.
Únase a nosotros para esta importante capacitación virtual que le brindará información sobre cómo crear una cultura de seguridad en su programa y le enseñará formas de implementar las estrategias de supervisión activa para mantener a los niños seguros y prevenir lesiones.
Elija la fecha y la hora que más le convenga:
- Martes 2/11 de 13:15 a 14:15 p.m.
- Miércoles 3/5 de 6:30-7:45 p.m.
- Jueves 3/20 de 1-2:15 p.m.
- Jueves 4/10 de 6:30-7:45 p.m.
- Miércoles 4/30 de 6:30-7:45 p.m.
- Miércoles 5/21 de 1 a 2:15 p.m.
Esta capacitación, disponible tanto en inglés como en español, proporciona 1.25 horas de crédito de capacitación al completar con éxito una prueba posterior.
¡Regístrese hoy!
Feb 05, 2025
Black History Month.
Laying the foundation for inclusivity and global awareness can be achieved in a child's early years, simply by exposing them to a variety of cultures. To help shape their understanding of the world as a rich tapestry of identities, you, as a child care provider, can demonstrate a respect for diversity by celebrating histories and achievements of cultures beyond those represented in your program.
Black History Month offers a meaningful occasion to integrate lessons about contributions from the Black community. By integrating books, songs, art, and stories that highlight Black culture, educators can nurture a deeper appreciation for diversity. Apart from reinforcing positive self-identity, these activities also empower children of color to see their heritage represented and celebrated.
To strengthen that impact, child care providers can additionally benefit from bias training offered through the Early Childhood Education and Training Program (ECETP) – Anti-bias Education in Early Childhood/Educación antisesgo en la primera infancia and Implicit Bias in Early Childhood/Sesgo implícito en la primera infancia. Understanding and addressing implicit biases ensures that educators create equitable and inclusive environments for all children. By engaging in training and incorporating diverse cultural perspectives, you play a vital role in cultivating open-minded, compassionate future generations.
Celebrate Black History Month by embracing this opportunity for growth and education—both for yourself and the children in your care.
Feb 05, 2025
Mes de la Historia Afroamericana.
Sentar las bases para la inclusión y la conciencia global se puede lograr en los primeros años de vida de un niño, simplemente exponiéndolo a una variedad de culturas. Para ayudar a dar forma a su comprensión del mundo como un rico tapiz de identidades, usted, como proveedor de cuidado infantil, puede demostrar respeto por la diversidad celebrando historias y logros de culturas más allá de las representadas en su programa.
El Mes de la Historia Afroamericana ofrece una ocasión significativa para integrar lecciones sobre las contribuciones de la comunidad negra. Al integrar libros, canciones, arte e historias que destaquen la cultura negra, los educadores pueden fomentar un aprecio más profundo por la diversidad. Además de reforzar la identidad personal positiva, estas actividades también empoderan a los niños de color para que vean su herencia representada y celebrada.
Para fortalecer ese impacto, los proveedores de cuidado infantil también pueden beneficiarse de la capacitación sobre prejuicios que se ofrece a través del Programa de Educación y Capacitación en la Primera Infancia (ECETP, por sus siglas en inglés) – Educación anti-sesgo en la primera infancia y Sesgo implícito en la primera infancia. Comprender y abordar los sesgos implícitos garantiza que los educadores creen entornos equitativos e inclusivos para todos los niños. Al participar en la capacitación e incorporar diversas perspectivas culturales, usted desempeña un papel vital en el cultivo de futuras generaciones compasivas y de mente abierta.
Celebre el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana aprovechando esta oportunidad de crecimiento y educación, tanto para usted como para los niños a su cargo.
Jan 27, 2025
Are you looking for in-service training opportunities?
On-Demand Training gives you 24/7 access to more than 20 training topics. They include handout materials, activities, and directions for conducting On-Demand Training sessions. Directors and/or qualified trainers in child day care centers, school-age child care programs, family and group family day care homes, enrolled legally exempt group programs, and qualified trainers in Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCR&Rs) can apply to become On-Demand Trainers.
Learn more about On-Demand Training!
Jan 27, 2025
¿Busca oportunidades de capacitación en el trabajo?
La capacitación de On-Demand le ofrece acceso 24/7 a más de 20 temas de capacitación. Incluyen folletos, actividades e instrucciones para dictar las sesiones de capacitación de On-Demand. Los directores o capacitadores calificados en centros de cuidado infantil, programas de cuidado de niños en edad escolar, hogares de cuidado diurno familiar grupal y familiar, programas de grupos legalmente exentos inscritos y capacitadores calificados en Agencias de Recursos y Referencias de Cuidado Infantil (CCR&R, por sus siglas en inglés) pueden aplicar para convertirse en capacitadores de On-Demand.
¡Conozca más sobre la capacitación de On-Demand!
Jan 17, 2025
Start the Year Right: Resolutions for Child Care Programs
January is an ideal time for child care programs to set goals that foster growth and support the well-being of both children and staff alike. By establishing resolutions for your program, you can help develop a culture of unity and provide encouragement for families to share similar commitments to safety, growth, and community.
One simple, but impactful resolution is to prioritize shared mealtime experiences with the children in your care. Plan for group meals where children and staff can eat together. These moments create opportunities for open communication, model healthy habits, and foster a sense of belonging among children.
A fantastic way to ensure your program is supporting continued physical development in the new year is to incorporate daily, gross-motor activity into your program. Activities like group walks, music and movement sessions, and outdoor play help children build healthy habits while strengthening peer connections.
For younger children, focus on small, achievable group goals that build essential life skills and confidence. Activities like practicing handwashing together, tidying up as a team, or dedicating time to read aloud encourage responsibility and foster cooperation.
To strengthen the connection between your program and families, consider sharing these ideas with parents. Urge families to prioritize device-free meals at home to reinforce communication and quality time. Suggest simple physical activities, like family walks or dance parties, to promote healthy habits outside the classroom.
By working together—both within your program and in collaboration with families—you can create a supportive environment that nurtures children’s development and inspires positive habits for the new year!
Jan 10, 2025
NEW Active Supervision in Child Care Training Opportunity.
Join us for this important virtual training that will provide you with information on creating a culture of safety in your program and teach you ways to implement the strategies of active supervision to keep children safe and prevent injuries.
Choose the date and time that works for you:
- Wednesday, January 22 from 6:30-7:45 PM
- Thursday January 23 from 1-2:15 PM
This training, available in both English and Spanish, provides 1.25 hours of training credit upon successful completion of a post-test.
Register today!
Jan 10, 2025
NUEVA Oportunidad de Capacitación en Supervisión Activa en Cuidado Infantil
Únase a nosotros para esta importante capacitación virtual que le brindará información sobre cómo crear una cultura de seguridad en su programa y le enseñará formas de implementar las estrategias de supervisión activa para mantener a los niños seguros y prevenir lesiones.
Elige la fecha y la hora que más te convenga:
- Miércoles 22 de enero de 6:30-7:45 PM
- Jueves 23 de enero de 1-2:15 PM
Esta capacitación, disponible tanto en inglés como en español, proporciona 1.25 horas de crédito de capacitación al completar con éxito una prueba posterior.
¡Regístrese hoy!
Jan 02, 2025
NEW Virtual Class Registration.
Virtual Class registration is now open for the first three months of 2025!
Sign up for interactive training on important topics such as fulfilling your responsibilities as a mandated reporter, developing positive relationships with your regulator, developmentally appropriate practice and more. Visit the ECETP website for a full catalog of offerings.
Class capacity is limited, so register today to secure your seat.
Jan 02, 2025
NUEVO Registro de Clases Virtuales.
¡Las inscripciones para las clases virtuales ya están abiertas para los primeros tres meses de 2025!
Regístrese para recibir capacitación interactiva sobre temas importantes, como cumplir con sus responsabilidades como informante obligatorio, desarrollar relaciones positivas con su regulador, práctica apropiada para el desarrollo y más. Visite el sitio web de ECETP para obtener un catálogo completo de ofertas.
La capacidad de la clase es limitada, así que regístrese hoy para asegurar su asiento.
Dec 27, 2024
Are you looking for in-service training opportunities?
On-Demand Training gives you 24/7 access to more than 20 training topics. They include handout materials, activities, and directions for conducting On-Demand Training sessions. Directors and/or qualified trainers in child day care centers, school-age child care programs, family and group family day care homes, enrolled legally exempt group programs, and qualified trainers in Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCR&Rs) can apply to become On-Demand Trainers.
Learn more about On-Demand Training!
Dec 27, 2024
¿Busca oportunidades de capacitación en el trabajo?
La capacitación de On-Demand le ofrece acceso 24/7 a más de 20 temas de capacitación. Incluyen folletos, actividades e instrucciones para dictar las sesiones de capacitación de On-Demand. Los directores o capacitadores cualificados en centros de cuidado infantil, programas de cuidado de niños en edad escolar, hogares de cuidado diurno familiar grupal y familiar, programas de grupos legalmente exentos inscritos y capacitadores cualificados en Agencias de Recursos y Referencias de Cuidado Infantil (CCR&R, por sus siglas en inglés) pueden aplicar para convertirse en capacitadores de On-Demand.
¡Conozca más sobre la capacitación de On-Demand!
Dec 19, 2024
Happy Holidays.
As 2024 rapidly comes to a close, we here at ECETP would like to wish you all a happy, healthy holiday season.
Dec 19, 2024
Felices Fiestas.
A medida que 2024 llega rápidamente a su fin, desde ECETP nos gustaría desearles a todos unas felices y saludables fiestas.
Dec 02, 2024
NEW Active Supervision in Child Care Training Opportunity.
Join us for this important virtual training that will provide you with information on creating a culture of safety in your program and teach you ways to implement the strategies of active supervision to keep children safe and prevent injuries.
Choose the date and time that works for you:
- Thursday, December 12 from 7-8:15 PM
- Tuesday, December 17 from 1-2:15 PM
This training, available in both English and Spanish, provides 1.25 hours of training credit upon successful completion of a post-test.
Register today!
Dec 02, 2024
NUEVA Oportunidad de Capacitación en Supervisión Activa en Cuidado Infantil.
Únase a nosotros para esta importante capacitación virtual que le brindará información sobre cómo crear una cultura de seguridad en su programa y le enseñará formas de implementar las estrategias de supervisión activa para mantener a los niños seguros y prevenir lesiones.
Elige la fecha y la hora que más te convenga:
- Jueves 12 de diciembre de 7 a 8:15 p.m.
- Martes 17 de diciembre de 1 a 2:15 p.m.
Esta capacitación, disponible tanto en inglés como en español, proporciona 1.25 horas de crédito de capacitación al completar con éxito una prueba posterior.
¡Regístrese hoy!
Nov 25, 2024
Are you looking for in-service training opportunities?
On-Demand Training gives you 24/7 access to more than 20 training topics. They include handout materials, activities, and directions for conducting On-Demand Training sessions. Directors and/or qualified trainers in child day care centers, school-age child care programs, family and group family day care homes, enrolled legally exempt group programs, and qualified trainers in Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCR&Rs) can apply to become On-Demand Trainers.
Learn more about On-Demand Training!
Nov 25, 2024
¿Busca oportunidades de capacitación en el trabajo?
La capacitación de On-Demand le ofrece acceso 24/7 a más de 20 temas de capacitación. Incluyen folletos, actividades e instrucciones para dictar las sesiones de capacitación de On-Demand. Los directores o capacitadores calificados en centros de cuidado infantil, programas de cuidado de niños en edad escolar, hogares de cuidado diurno familiar grupal y familiar, programas de grupos legalmente exentos inscritos y capacitadores calificados en Agencias de Recursos y Referencias de Cuidado Infantil (CCR&R, por sus siglas en inglés) pueden aplicar para convertirse en capacitadores de On-Demand.
¡Conozca más sobre la capacitación de On-Demand!
Nov 15, 2024
National Take a Hike Day.
As we stride into a season of indulgent feasts and holiday treats, National Take a Hike Day on November 17th offers the perfect opportunity to create balance. While spending time with loved ones over a delicious meal can be enjoyable, taking time to "hit the trails" has the potential to provide a refreshing and energizing contrast. New York State boasts more than 2,000 miles of opportunity, from bunny trails to historic routes like the Appalachian and Erie Canal Trails. There's bound to be a path for everyone!
More than just a way to experience the beautiful outdoors, hiking is great way to get moving and, because the activity expends 400–550 calories per hour, it's an excellent way to burn off calories before or after holiday meals. In addition to the health advantages, spending time in nature can also reduce stress and bring a sense of calm, especially as we enter the holiday season.
This November 17th, why not make the National Take a Hike Day a family event? Grab a buddy, pack some snacks, and explore a local trail. Remember that many state and national parks host special events for the occasion, so get some comfortable shoes, breathe the fresh air, and be sure to take in the scenery.
For more family-friendly hiking ideas, or to discover trails near you, visit resources like American Trails and National Park services to start planning your hike today!
Nov 12, 2024
November 14th is National Seat Belt Day.
The holiday travel season is quickly approaching. November 14th is National Seat Belt Day, so this is a great time to review laws and regulations and check safety equipment in all forms of transportation you use.
Seat belts are proven to reduce the risk of serious injury and save lives. That's why as of November 1, 2020, New York State requires ALL passengers to buckle up regardless of where they sit in the vehicle.
You can celebrate National Seat Belt Day on November 14th; by making sure your seat belts are in good working order and that everyone uses them every time they get in a vehicle. It's also a great time to make sure all child safety seats, and child restraint systems are the correct size for the child, in good working order and properly installed. Visit the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles website for more information.
If you transport children in your program, be sure to check the Office of Children and Family Services Regulations for the type of program you work in or operate, to make sure you are in compliance.
Remember, whether you're making a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up that can of cranberry sauce you forgot or driving over the river and through the woods to celebrate with family, seat belts save lives, so buckle up!
Nov 06, 2024
November 11 is Veterans Day- a day set aside to thank and honor ALL who served honorably in the military whether in wartime or peacetime.
In your program, you can thank a veteran by making cards or pieces of art and mailing them to a local VA hospital, collect donations of playing cards, lip balm, baby wipes, sunscreen, beef jerky, mints, hard candy, gum, etc. to donate to a nearby base or an organization like Blue Star Moms, or host a breakfast or make a small token of appreciation such as tissue paper flowers and thank you cards to give to Veterans in the families of the children you care for.
If you are looking for information about what Veterans Day is, you can download a Veterans Day Teacher's Resource Guide from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. This guide explains the origins of Veterans Day, describes the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day, discusses respecting and folding the flag, and has instructions on how to download Veterans Day posters.
Don't forget to thank a Veteran!
Nov 01, 2024
NYSED Free Webinars.
Over the next year, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) will host a series of free webinars focused on sharing effective practices for Pre-K classrooms. The webinars will cover various topics, including how to promote positivity and inclusion in the classroom, ways to better support multilingual learners, and strategies to encourage a love of science in young children.
The first webinar will take place on November 6. View the NYSED Free Webinars flyer for more details and QR codes for registration.
Nov 01, 2024
Daylight Savings Time Ends - a great time to check in on your child care program!
November 3rd is the day to turn back those clocks! This will result in earlier sunrises and earlier sunsets.
This is a great time to check in on some important things in your child care program, including:
- Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors- test all devices to make sure they are in good working order and change batteries if needed.
- Emergency contact information- meet with families to make sure everything is current and update it if necessary.
- Changes in a child’s health- talk with families to see if there have been any new health developments like a new diagnosis or food allergy. If there are, make sure proper protocols are being followed and necessary conversations are happening with staff.
- Training- review records to see if everyone in the program is on target for meeting all OCFS training requirements.
- Emergency bags and first aid kits- check all of these throughout the program to make sure everything is there, in good working order and not expired. Be sure to replace anything that may be broken or expired and replenish low supplies like gloves and bandages.
- Evacuation and Shelter in Place drills- review your records and conduct any necessary drills.
Completing tasks like these on a routine basis, like when the clocks change, will help you stay on top of things so everyone can be safe. Enjoy that extra hour of sleep! 😊
Oct 30, 2024
Oct 30, 2024
OCFS DCCS Boletín de Cuidado Infantil de octubre de 2024
¡Nos complace lanzar el boletín informativo de otoño de 2024 de la División de Servicios de Cuidado Infantil (DCCS, por sus siglas en inglés) de la Oficina de Servicios para Niños y Familias del Estado de Nueva York (OCFS, por sus siglas en inglés)! El boletín se está distribuyendo a los proveedores de cuidado infantil, los departamentos locales de servicios sociales, las agencias de recursos y referencias de cuidado infantil, los proveedores de servicios extraescolares, las partes interesadas y los padres, y también se publica en línea en el sitio web de la OCFS.
El boletín incluye información interesante y actualizaciones de DCCS sobre dos nuevas iniciativas estatales para el Programa de Asistencia para el Cuidado Infantil, las tarifas de mercado actualizadas, el kit de herramientas de DEIA y varios recursos de salud mental y bienestar emocional, ¡y mucho más!
¡Esperamos que disfrute de la tercera edición de nuestro boletín informativo trimestral y que esté disfrutando de su otoño!
Oct 28, 2024
Are you looking for in-service training opportunities?
On-Demand Training gives you 24/7 access to more than 20 training topics. They include handout materials, activities, and directions for conducting On-Demand Training sessions. Directors and/or qualified trainers in child day care centers, school-age child care programs, family and group family day care homes, enrolled legally exempt group programs, and qualified trainers in Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCR&Rs) can apply to become On-Demand Trainers.
Learn more about On-Demand Training!
Oct 28, 2024
¿Busca oportunidades de capacitación en el trabajo?
La capacitación de On-Demand le ofrece acceso 24/7 a más de 20 temas de capacitación. Incluyen folletos, actividades e instrucciones para dictar las sesiones de capacitación de On-Demand. Los directores o capacitadores calificados en centros de cuidado infantil, programas de cuidado de niños en edad escolar, hogares de cuidado diurno familiar grupal y familiar, programas de grupos legalmente exentos inscritos y capacitadores calificados en Agencias de Recursos y Referencias de Cuidado Infantil (CCR&R, por sus siglas en inglés) pueden aplicar para convertirse en capacitadores de On-Demand.
¡Conozca más sobre la capacitación de On-Demand!
Oct 23, 2024
New e-Learning course available.
The newest e-learning course "Taking a Closer Look at the Legally Exempt Child Care Regulations" is available for training. This fully narrated course takes a deep dive into the regulations for legally exempt child care. It reviews where the regulations come from, where to find them, what they say, and how to navigate them. It also shares information on some common regulatory violations and offers tips for avoiding or correcting them.
This course will provide you with 1 hour of training in the following OCFS training topics:
- Safety and Security
- Child Care Statutes and Regulations
- Nutrition and Health
Register for "Taking a Closer Look at the Legally Exempt Child Care Regulations" today.
Oct 21, 2024
REMINDER: Update your ECETP profile.
In 2023, ECETP and OCFS collaborated to implement a training certificate data transfer that makes it easier to track and report your ECETP training completions. All you need to do is update your ECETP profile.
Videos detailing the profile update process in English and the profile update process in Spanish can be found in the "Featured Videos" section of the ECETP website.
Remember, if you have recently applied for fingerprinting or have changed child care programs, go to the ECETP website and update your facility information in your ECETP profile today.
Oct 15, 2024
Allergy-Friendly Foods.
Looking for sweets that are safe for children with food allergies? Kids with Food Allergies (KFA) has released a comprehensive candy guide designed to help you find allergy-friendly treats. Perfect for holidays, parties, or just for fun, this guide makes it easy to find candy free from common allergens such as milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, and wheat.
To ensure safety, always read the ingredient labels, especially on seasonal candy, and contact manufacturers if you need to confirm any allergen information. Remember, it's best to avoid introducing new foods during events like parties or holidays.
For detailed searches by specific allergens, visit the KFA website where you can access their full list of Allergy-Friendly Foods. There are also seasonal tags available to help you find holiday-themed candy for celebrations like Halloween, Christmas, or Easter. Download their candy guide and share it with families, caregivers, and teachers.
Make candy shopping a safe, fun, and delicious activity with KFA's Allergy-Friendly Candy Guide!
Oct 10, 2024
Oct 10, 2024
Oct 07, 2024
National Dental Hygiene Month.
Q: What body part is sometimes referred to as "the window" to the rest of the body?
A: It's the mouth...having a healthy mouth helps the rest of your body stay healthy.
Q: What's the most common chronic disease of childhood in the United States?
A: It's cavities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than half of children aged 6 to 8 years have had a cavity in at least one of their baby teeth.
Good oral health is important for all of us and should be practiced throughout our entire life.
During the month of October, try some of these ideas with the children in your program:
- add books about the dentist and brushing teeth throughout the space;
- set up a dentist office in the dramatic play area where children can practice brushing the teeth of stuffed animals, dolls or puppets;
- ask a local dentist to come in to speak to the children about the importance of brushing and flossing, if they can't come maybe they could send some toothbrushes, floss and toothpaste for the program or familes;
- serve fresh fruits and vegetables and talk about the ways these foods help keep teeth healthy;
- draw germs with dry erase markers on upside down, plastic, white ice cube trays (teeth) and let the children clean the "teeth" with toothbrushes…make sure they practice brushing up and down, side-to-side and in a circular motion.
It's also important to share this information with families. Encourage them to make an appointment with their dentist. If they don't have one, suggest they check with their primary medical provider for referrals. And be sure to share information on oral health with families. The CDC, KidsHealth and HealthyChildren websites are a great place to start.
Oct 04, 2024
The e-Learning course "Documentation and Record Keeping for Enrolled Legally Exempt Providers and Programs" is now available in Spanish.
This fully narrated course explains what business records you need to keep as an enrolled legally exempt provider or program. The training lists what documentation is required by the regulations in Part 415, Child Care Services. It also reviews other records you should keep as a best business practice. And finally, it offers tips for organizing written or electronic records and developing a system for keeping everything up to date.
This course will provide you with 1.5 hours of training in the following OCFS training topics:
- Child Care Program Development
- Safety and Security
- Business Records
- Statutes and Regulations Pertaining to Child Day Care
Register today.
Oct 04, 2024
El curso eLearning "Documentación y mantenimiento de registros para proveedores y programas legalmente exentos inscritos" se encuentra ahora disponible en español.
Este curso totalmente narrado explica cuáles son los registros empresariales que usted debe conservar como proveedor o programa legalmente exento inscrito. La capacitación detalla la documentación requerida según las regulaciones en la Parte 415 Servicios de cuidado infantil. También analiza otros registros que debe conservar a modo de práctica empresarial recomendada. Por último, ofrece consejos para organizar los registros escritos o electrónicos y desarrollar un sistema para tener todo al día.
Este curso imparte 1.5 horas de capacitación en los siguientes temas de capacitación de la Oficina de Servicios para Niños y Familias del Estado de Nueva York (OCFS, por sus siglas en inglés):
- Desarrollo de un programa de cuidado infantil
- Seguridad y protección
- Registros empresariales
- Estatutos y regulaciones relacionados al cuidado diurno infantil
Inscríbase hoy.
Oct 03, 2024
Are you looking for in-service training opportunities?
On-Demand Training gives you 24/7 access to more than 20 training topics. They include handout materials, activities, and directions for conducting On-Demand Training sessions. Directors and/or qualified trainers in child day care centers, school-age child care programs, family and group family day care homes, enrolled legally exempt group programs, and qualified trainers in Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCR&Rs) can apply to become On-Demand Trainers.
Learn more about On-Demand Training!
Oct 03, 2024
¿Busca oportunidades de capacitación en el trabajo?
La capacitación de On-Demand le ofrece acceso 24/7 a más de 20 temas de capacitación. Incluyen folletos, actividades e instrucciones para dictar las sesiones de capacitación de On-Demand. Los directores o capacitadores calificados en centros de cuidado infantil, programas de cuidado de niños en edad escolar, hogares de cuidado diurno familiar grupal y familiar, programas de grupos legalmente exentos inscritos y capacitadores calificados en Agencias de Recursos y Referencias de Cuidado Infantil (CCR&R, por sus siglas en inglés) pueden aplicar para convertirse en capacitadores de On-Demand.
¡Conozca más sobre la capacitación de On-Demand!
Sep 23, 2024
Library Card Sign-Up Month.
Research shows that reading to young children helps them build language skills, exposes them to new words and ways of using language, and helps them learn general information about the world.
Public libraries are an amazing resource you can use to enhance all areas of your program. By signing up for a free library card you can borrow children's books to enhance your reading area, CDs to use in your music and movement or rest area, recipe books to enhance your menu or use to cook with the children, and books on child development and child care practices to help you increase your knowledge so you can provide safe, healthy care for children.
Additionally, public libraries often offer free services such as story times for young children, quiet spaces for older children to study, book clubs for people of all ages and programs for teens.
You can provide information about the location and services provided by your local library to the families in your program and encourage them to get their own library card, as well as a card for their child.
With all of these great resources at your fingertips, what are you waiting for? Get to your local library and get your free library card today!
Sep 16, 2024
Better Breakfast Month.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you the energy to get off on the right foot and fuels your mind and body for success.
Eating breakfast has several health benefits, including better digestion, improved metabolism, and lower cholesterol levels. Research shows that
children who have a healthy meal at the beginning of the day consistently perform and behave better at school. Not to mention, taking the time to
sit together for a meal at the start of the day gives you the opportunity to check in with one another and discuss any upcoming events.
A complete breakfast should contain a balance of the major food groups: protein, dairy, fat and carbohydrates.
There are many resources you can share with families if they need assistance providing healthy meals and snacks. Some include the National
School Breakfast Program, the National School Lunch Program, the School Pantry Program, the BackPack Program, Kids Café and Summer Meal Programs.
For information about these programs and how to find services in your area, visit
Feeding America.
Additionally, families in need can also reach out to their school district, local faith-based organizations, food banks or
Child Care Resource Center (formerly known as Child Care Resource and Referral agency) for assistance.
One way you can celebrate better breakfast day on September 26 is by inviting families to a program-wide breakfast. Hosting this
type of event will provide an opportunity for families to get know one another, get to know the staff, and get their day started in a
healthy and positive way.
Sep 09, 2024
Virtual Class Registration is Open!
October finds us in the home stretch of 2024. How are you doing with your OCFS training requirements?
Live, virtual classes are available in English and Spanish. They will discuss safe sleep practices and how to improve or maintain
a positive provider/regulator relationship so you can provide children with a safe and healthy environment where they can learn and grow.
Each class offers 1.5 training credit hours in OCFS approved training topics.
Seats fill up quickly, so visit the ECETP website and register for Virtual Class training today.
Sep 06, 2024
Aug 26, 2024
New training opportunity for family and group family day care homes.
We are pleased to announce that On-Demand Training is now available for family and group family day care staff, substitutes, and volunteers.
On-Demand Training gives you 24/7 access to a selection of previously recorded webcasts and current eLearning courses. They include handout
materials, activities, and directions for conducting On-Demand Training sessions. Successful completion of On-Demand Training courses counts
toward fulfilling the OCFS training requirements.
Qualified family and group family providers can now apply to become On-Demand Trainers. If eligible, you can use On-Demand Training to
conduct trainings for your staff, substitutes, and volunteers. Please note that due to the responsibilities associated with facilitating
On-Demand Training, trainers conducting On-Demand training are not eligible for training credit or certificates.
You can learn more about On-Demand Training, and apply to become a trainer, by visiting the
On-Demand section of our website.
Aug 26, 2024
Nueva oportunidad de capacitación para hogares de cuidado diurno familiar grupal y familiar.
Nos alegra anunciar que la capacitación On-Demand está disponible para personal, reemplazantes y voluntarios en hogares de
cuidado diurno familiar grupal y familiar. La capacitación de On-Demand le ofrece acceso 24/7 a una selección de transmisiones por Internet
previamente grabadas y cursos de aprendizaje en línea actuales. Incluyen folletos, actividades e instrucciones para dictar las sesiones de
capacitación de On-Demand. La compleción exitosa de estos cursos puede ayudar al personal, los reemplazantes y los voluntarios a cumplir
con los requisitos de capacitación de la OCFS.
Ahora los proveedores calificados pueden aplicar para convertirse en capacitadores de On-Demand. Si es eligible, puede
usar capacitación On-Demand para dictar capacitaciones en el trabajo para su personal, reemplazantes y voluntarios. Tenga en cuenta que,
debido a las responsabilidades asociadas a facilitar la capacitación de On-Demand, los capacitadores que dicten la capacitación de
On-Demand no son elegibles para recibir crédito o certificados por la capacitación.
Puede obtener más información, y aplicar para convertirse en capacitador de On-Demand, visitando la sección de
On-Demand del Programa de Educación y Capacitación de la Primera Infancia en nuestro
sitio web.
Aug 19, 2024
National Senior Citizens Day.
National Senior Citizens Day is celebrated on August 21. This is a wonderful time to show appreciation for everything the
seniors in our communities have done and given throughout their lives.
Some ways you can celebrate seniors are:
- Invite grandparents to the program for a special picnic lunch or tea party.
- Make artwork or cards to send to a local senior home.
- If possible, take time to visit a local senior home to sing songs or do a craft with the residents.
- Ask grandparents to share their favorite family recipe that you turn into a program cookbook. You can give copies to the contributors
and sell extra copies as a program fundraiser.
However you choose to celebrate, make sure a senior in your life knows they are appreciated and loved.
Aug 12, 2024
English and Spanish Training Opportunities.
Are you looking to establish a good working relationship with Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) staff?
Then do we have the training for you!
The Partnering with your Regulator: Developing Positive Relationships virtual class is an online, instructor-led training that
features videos, interactive discussions, activities and resources. Participants interact directly with colleagues in the field to share
ideas and best practices.
Whether you're new to the child care business or a seasoned veteran, we're sure you'll learn at least one new thing that will help
you create and maintain a positive working partnership with your regulator, so you can both achieve your ultimate goal of keeping the
children in care safe and healthy.
Register today!
Aug 12, 2024
Oportunidades de capacitación en inglés y español.
¿Está buscando establecer una buena relación de trabajo con el personal de la Oficina de Servicios para Niños y Familias (OCFS)?
¡Entonces tenemos la capacitación para usted!
La clase virtual Colaboración con su regulador: desarrollo de relaciones positivas es una capacitación en línea dirigida por
un instructor que presenta videos, discusiones interactivas, actividades y recursos. Los participantes interactúan directamente con colegas en
el campo para compartir ideas y mejores prácticas.
Ya sea que sea nuevo en el negocio del cuidado infantil o un veterano experimentado, estamos seguros de que aprenderá al menos una
cosa nueva que lo ayudará a crear y mantener una asociación de trabajo positiva con su regulador para que ambos puedan lograr su objetivo final
de mantener a los niños bajo cuidado seguros y saludables.
Inscríbase hoy.
Aug 05, 2024
OCFS Non-Patient Specific Auto Injector Initiative.
Did you know that approximately 1 in 13 children is impacted by food allergies
Did you know that children experiencing a food allergy can quickly succumb to anaphylaxis, a severe,
life-threatening reaction?
Did you know that epinephrine, the first line drug of choice for the emergency treatment of anaphylaxis,
is safe to use by designated, trained child care staff if anaphylaxis is expected?
That's right!
The Office of Children and Family Services has created the Non-Patient Specific Auto Injector Initiative to help
spread allergy awareness and help save lives. Participation in the no-cost initiative will get your program up to
3 doses of two non-patient specific auto injectors and one training device.
Did you know that participation in this initiative isn't going to cost you anything?
So, why aren't you participating?
Visit the OCFS website for more information and to get
enrolled in the Non-Patient Specific Auto Injector initiative.
We won't stop until we reach 100% participation.
Jul 29, 2024
Jul 22, 2024
National Moon Day.
On July 20, 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and 'Buzz' Aldrin landed on the moon.
Here are some ideas for ways you can celebrate this momentous occasion in your program:
- Dramatic Play Area: Create a spaceship out of a large cardboard box, use backpacks as jet packs, make moon rocks out of aluminum foil
crumpled up into different size balls, have different tools like magnifying glasses, tape measures and scales so children can conduct
scientific research.
- Book Area: Fill your bookshelf with books about the moon. Some suggestions include Good Night Moon by Margaret Wise Brown,
Kitten's First Full Moon by Keving Henkes, Moon Bear by Frank Asch, Molly on the Moon by Mary Robinette Kowal,
Max and the Tag-along Moon by Floyd Cooper and The Moon Book by Gail Gibbons.
- Science Area: Discuss the different phases of the moon, use small white paper plates that children cut into the different shapes
of the moon at different phases. You can use these cutouts to make a collage or book.
- Art Area: Have children paint or draw pictures of the moon or what they think they would see if they were looking out the window
of a spaceship that just landed on the moon.
- Large Motor Area: Talk about gravity and what it would be like to move through space where there is no gravity. Have children
pretend to float or move slowly through the atmosphere.
Happy space exploration!
Jul 15, 2024
Summer Swim Safety.
According to the CDC,
"Drowning is a leading cause of death for children. Drowning can happen in seconds and is often silent. It can happen to anyone,
any time there is access to water. This includes pools and lakes, and also smaller water bodies like bathtubs and water-filled buckets."
The website features an article titled "5 Water Safety Tips for Kids of All Ages."
- Protect your newborn baby from water hazards around the home- NEVER leave young children alone or in the care of another
child near bathtubs, pools, spas, wading pools, irrigation ditches, ponds or other standing water.
- Protect your curious toddler- stay within arm's reach at all times whenever you're around water.
- Start swimming lessons early- talk to families about the importance of swim lessons being a first step toward water safety.
Encourage them to speak to their family medical provider to find out when it's developmentally appropriate for their child to
begin swim lessons.
- Help your teen be water smart- when it comes to water safety, be a good role model.
- Make safety a priority if you own a swimming pool- be sure to have the proper fencing surrounding the pool.
And be sure to visit the New York State Child Day Care Regulations for
your modality of care to be sure you are following all requirements regarding pool use and water safety.
Jul 08, 2024
July 8- Virtual Class Q3 Registration Open.
Having a positive working relationship with your regulator and other OCFS staff is a cornerstone of operating a successful
child care program. That's why our next couple of virtual class offerings will provide you with tips on how to establish these
relationships from the start, how to keep them positive and ideas for what you can do if they get off track. All classes offer 1.5
training credit hours in OCFS approved training topics. Visit the ECETP website to register.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Jul 08, 2024
Inscripciones abiertas para la clase virtual del 8 de julio.
Tener una relación de trabajo positiva con su regulador y otro personal de la OCFS es una piedra angular para operar un programa
de cuidado infantil exitoso. Es por eso que nuestro próximo par de ofertas de clases virtuales le brindarán consejos sobre cómo establecer estas
relaciones desde el principio, cómo mantenerlas positivas e ideas sobre lo que puede hacer si se desvían del camino. Todas las clases ofrecen
una hora y media (1.5) de crédito de capacitación en temas de capacitación aprobados por la OCFS.
Visite el sitio web del ECETP para registrarse.
¡Esperamos verlo ahí!
Jul 01, 2024
El curso eLearning "Educación antisesgo en la primera infancia" se encuentra ahora disponible en español.
Durante este curso completamente narrado, los aprendices recibirán información sobre cómo examinar o volver a examinar su
programa de cuidado infantil a fin de identificar oportunidades para crear cambios con respecto a los materiales, las actividades y los
currículos antisesgo.
Este curso imparte una hora y media (1.5) de capacitación en los siguientes temas de capacitación de la OCFS:
- Principios de desarrollo de la niñez, enfocándose en las etapas de desarrollo de todos los grupos de edad a los que el programa
proporcione cuidado
- Desarrollo de un programa de cuidado infantil
Inscríbase hoy.
Jul 01, 2024
Jun 27, 2024
Jun 27, 2024
Jun 25, 2024
Jun 20, 2024
New On-Demand courses now available in English and Spanish.
We're pleased to announce that we have added three (3) new courses to the On-Demand Training catalog. The original
Foundations in Health and Safety eLearning course (Aprendizaje a distancia sobre fundamentos de salud y seguridad) is now available
in Spanish. We have also made the follow-up eLearning, Building on the Foundation of Health and Safety/Desarrollando sobre los fundamentos de
salud y seguridad, available in English and Spanish. Log into the Training Portal
today for more information and to schedule On-Demand Trainings.
If you'd like to learn more about On-Demand Training, check out the On-Demand Training section of our website.
Jun 20, 2024
Nuevos cursos Bajo demanda ahora disponibles en español e inglés.
Nos complace anunciar que hemos agregado tres (3) nuevos cursos al catálogo de Capacitación bajo demanda. El curso original
de "Aprendizaje a distancia sobre fundamentos de salud y seguridad" ("Foundations in Health and Safety eLearning") ya está disponible en
español. También hemos puesto a disposición el eLearning de seguimiento "Desarrollando sobre los fundamentos de salud y seguridad"
(“Building on the Foundation of Health and Safety”) en español e inglés. Inicie sesión en el Portal de capacitación
hoy para obtener más información y programar Capacitaciones bajo demanda.
Si desea obtener más información sobre la Capacitación bajo demanda, consulte la sección Capacitación bajo demanda de nuestro sitio web.
Jun 17, 2024
Juneteenth is a federal holiday, celebrated on June 19 that commemorates the end of slavery in the United States.
For children to develop positive images of themselves they need opportunities to learn about and celebrate who they are,
as well as cultures and identities other than their own. They must be represented in the materials, toys, books and displays
that surround them.
Providing time for Juneteenth celebrations and lessons like those listed below, are one way you can begin having conversations
with children about history, race and culture.
- Read books about Juneteenth.
- Display and talk about the Juneteenth flag.
- Ask children about a positive change they would like to make in their world and have them draw pictures,
make posters or write about them.
With older children:
For more information about Juneteenth, visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture website.
Jun 10, 2024
June 15 is National Smile Power Day.
What is free, takes no extra time or effort to give, and can make a world of difference to someone?
A smile!!!
That's right. Smiles are so influential that June 15 has been declared National Smile Power Day.
When you smile at someone, you let them know you see them, and they are valued. Smiling helps you relax, relieves stress, lifts your
mood and can make you happier.
When you get a smile, it helps boost your morale, builds confidence and creates greater trust.
You never know what someone else is going through, so spread joy to others and yourself by passing on a smile whenever you can.
Remember, when times get tough, be like Buddy the Elf and make smiling your favorite! 😊
Jun 03, 2024
National Heimlich Maneuver Day
It's estimated that 5,000 people die every year from choking.
This number can be reduced by knowing how and when to use the Heimlich Maneuver– a move that uses abdominal thrusts to force
air into the lungs expelling the object blocking the airway.
If you are with someone showing the signs of choking, follow these steps:
- Wrap your arms around their torso, from the back.
- Make a fist with one hand and grab it with the other.
- Place your hands just above the belly button and below the ribcage.
- Pull inward and upward on the diaphragm to force air out of the lungs to expel the blockage.
Remember, if the person is able to speak, cough or breathe, do not attempt the Heimlich Maneuver.
Teach children to put both hands up in the air or on their throat if they are choking.
But what if you are alone and choking?
- Call 911 and leave the phone off the hook.
- Try to cough up the object.
- Make a fist and place it just above your belly button.
- Hold the fist with your other hand.
- Drive your fist in and up.
- If your hands aren't enough, keep your hands in place and lean over a stable object that is waist high,
such as a chair, table, railing or countertop.
EIP Scholarships for CPR and First Aid training are available
and income is no longer a factor in determining eligibility, so observe this day by making sure your first aid and CPR training is up
to date. If it isn't...get registered for a class today.
May 28, 2024
May 22, 2024
Avoiding Lyme Disease: Tips to reduce your exposure to tick bites.
Lyme Disease is an illness that people usually get from the bite of a tick carrying borrelia bacteria.
Tick exposure can be year-round but is most active during warmer months and many people get ticks in their
own yard or neighborhood. However, there are things you can do to reduce your exposure to tick bites.
Before going out:
While out:
- Reduce time in potential tick habitats such as tall grass and brushy or wooded areas.
- Walk in the center of paths and trails.
Once you get inside:
- Check your clothing for ticks.
- Conduct a full body check. Ticks can be anywhere on the body, but be sure to check under the arms, in and around the ears, inside the belly button, the back of the knees, in and around the hair, between the legs and around the waist.
- When possible, put clothes in the dryer for 30 minutes to kill any ticks.
- If you find a tick attached to a child, call the parent immediately so they can follow up with their health care professional.
Be sure to share this important information about ticks and Lyme Disease with the families.
May 20, 2024
May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month.
It's been a long winter season, but have no fear, nicer weather is finally on the way. That means we'll be spending more
time outside, which increases your chance of coming into contact with ticks.
Lyme Disease is an illness that people usually get from the bite of a tick carrying borrelia bacteria. Tick exposure can be
year-round but is most active during warmer months and many people get ticks in their own yard or neighborhood.
Tick bites may look like a tiny, itchy bump on the skin, similar to a mosquito bite. Just because you've been bitten doesn't
mean you have a tick-borne disease like Lyme Disease. If you have been bitten, be on the lookout for symptoms of Lyme Disease
including fever, headache, fatigue and rash.
Be sure to share this important information about ticks and Lyme Disease with the families, and check back on Wednesday
for tips on reducing your exposure to tick bites.
May 13, 2024
National Take Your Parents to the Playground Day.
A child's primary job is to play. The more they play, the healthier, smarter and happier they are. Unfortunately, as we get
older, the importance of play tends to take a backseat to work and other adult responsibilities. It's important to take a
moment and remember that play is beneficial for people of all ages. It can add joy to life, relieve stress, improve brain
function, boost creativity, connect people to others and make work more productive and enjoyable.
The third Sunday in May, this year the 19th, is National Take Your Parents to the Playground Day. This is a great opportunity
for families to get fresh air and spend quality time together.
Share information with parents on the benefits of play and physical activity recommendations. Encourage them to get to a
playground with their children on the 19th or one day that week. Maybe arrange a group meet up at a local playground so
parents have a chance to network with one another and get to know more about program staff, and you get a chance to see
how the family interacts outside of your program.
For more information on the benefits of physical activity for people of all ages, visit the
World Health Organization (WHO) website.
Happy playing!
May 08, 2024
National Provider Appreciation Day is May 10 - THANK YOU!
As a child care provider you play a pivotal role in the development, education and well-being of our youngest children.
You read stories, sing songs, dance silly dances, serve healthy snacks and meals, clean up messes, plan stimulating activities,
kiss boo-boos, give hugs, high-fives and handshakes… and that's all in the first hour on the job. 😊 You also work closely
with co-workers and other service providers, attend training, complete paperwork, and communicate with families every day.
You are a pillar of the community- a constant in a child's life and families know they can depend on you to provide them
with quality care.
In honor of National Provider Appreciation Day, we want to take a moment to say we see you.
We recognize
the enormous contributions you make to our communities and we are grateful for all you do each and every day to provide safe and healthy
environments for children and their families!
May 08, 2024
El dia nacional de apreciación al proveedor es mayo 10 - ¡Gracias!
Como proveedor de cuidado infantil usted juega un rol esencial en el desarrollo, educación y bienestar de nuestros niños mas
jóvenes. Usted lee historias, canta canciones, baila bailes graciosos, sirve meriendas y comidas saludables, limpia desordenes,
planea actividades estimulantes, besa heridas, da abrazos, choca las cinco y da apretones de mano… y eso es todo en la primera
hora del trabajo. 😊 Usted también trabaja cercanamente con compañeros de trabajo y otros proveedores de servicio, atiende
capacitaciones, completa papelería, y se comunica con familias cada dia. Usted es un pilar de la comunidad – un constante en la
vida de los niños y las familias saben que pueden depender de usted para proveerles cuidado de calidad.
En honor al dia nacional de apreciación al proveedor, queremos tomarnos un momento para decirles que los vemos.
Nosotros reconocemos
las contribuciones enormes que usted hace para nuestras comunidades y estamos agradecidos por todo lo que usted hace cada y
todos los días para proveer ambientes seguros y saludables para los niños y sus familias.
May 08, 2024
May 02, 2024
Apr 30, 2024
Apr 22, 2024
April 23 is National Picnic Day.
According to Miriam-Webster, picnic is defined as an excursion or outing with food usually provided by members of the group
and eaten in the open OR a pleasant or amusingly carefree experience.
Here are some ways to celebrate national picnic day in your program:
- Search the internet for children's books about picnics, visit the local library to borrow some and read, read, read!
- Put on sunscreen, pack a blanket and a cooler of food and drinks and take lunch or snack outside.
- Invite the children's family members or favorite stuffed animal to join you for your picnic.
- If the weather isn't cooperating- throw a blanket on the floor, play some outdoor sounds in the background,
and enjoy your meal or snack.
Happy picnicking!
Apr 18, 2024
El curso eLearning "Comprender y ayudar a los niños con necesidades especiales" se encuentra ahora disponible en español.
Este curso totalmente narrado ofrece una descripción general sobre las diferentes discapacidades que pueden
tener los niños y, si fuera necesario, los recursos que pueden usar las familias para recibir ayuda adicional. También
comparte estrategias para crear entornos inclusivos y trabajar con niños con necesidades especiales.
Este curso imparte una (1) hora de capacitación en los siguientes temas de capacitación de la OCFS:
- Principios de desarrollo de la niñez
- Desarrollo de un programa de cuidado diurno infantil
- Procedimientos de seguridad y protección
Inscríbase hoy.
Apr 18, 2024
Apr 15, 2024
April is Keep America Beautiful Month.
The Keep America Beautiful Foundation is a US-based non-profit organization with the missions of reducing waste, preventing litter and beautifying communities.
Here are some ways you can help promote their missions in your child care program.
Reduce Waste:
- Recycle- if you don't already have one in the program, set up a recycling station.
- Reuse- before throwing something away, ask the children if there is another way it could be used in the program. For example, gently used telephones, computer keyboards and costumes can be used in the dramatic play area and mirrors and ice cube trays can be used in the math and science areas.
Prevent Litter:
- Put garbage and recycling cans in your outdoor spaces.
- Have the children create posters about putting garbage in cans or not littering and hang them around the program.
- "Adopt" the street or the program property and keep the space clean of litter.
Beautifying Communities:
- Plant a tree or flowers on the property. If you don't have ground space, plant flowers in a window box.
- Start a vegetable garden and use the produce in program meals and snacks and send extras home with families with recipe cards.
- Paint colorful murals and inspirational quotes on windows with tempera paint.
- Decorate the driveway, blocked off parts of the parking lot or the walkway to the program with chalk art.
And remember to give Mother Earth a special shout for Earth Day, on Monday, April 22!
Apr 11, 2024
El curso eLearning "Sesgo implícito en la primera infancia" se encuentra ahora disponible en español.
Durante este curso completamente narrado, obtendrá información sobre cómo los sesgos implícitos, o no reconocidos, pueden
influenciar a los niños, a sus familias y al personal en su programa de cuidado infantil. Los puntos de aprendizaje de la
capacitación están mejorados mediante el uso de clips de video y ejercicios interactivos.
Este curso imparte 1.5 horas de capacitación en los siguientes temas de capacitación de la OCFS:
- Principios de desarrollo de la niñez, enfocándose en las etapas de desarrollo de todos los grupos de edad a los que el
programa proporcione cuidado
- Desarrollo de un programa de cuidado infantil
Inscríbase hoy.
Apr 11, 2024
The e-Learning course, "Implicit Bias in Early Childhood" is now available in Spanish.
During this fully narrated course, you will learn information pertaining to how implicit, or unrecognized, biases can influence
the children, families and staff in your child care program. Learning points of the training are enhanced throughout using video
clips and interactive exercises.
This course will provide 1.5 hours of training in the following OCFS training topics:
- Principles of childhood development focusing on the developmental stages of the age groups for which the program provides care
- Child day care program development
Register today.
Apr 08, 2024
Reminder: Update your ECETP Profile.
ECETP and OCFS have collaborated to implement a training certificate data transfer that makes it easier to track and report
your ECETP training completions. All you need to do is update your ECETP profile.
Videos detailing the process can be found in both English and Spanish in the
"Featured Videos" section of the ECETP website.
Remember, if you have recently applied for fingerprinting or have changed child care programs,
go to the ECETP website and update your facility information in your ECETP profile today.
Apr 01, 2024
Mar 25, 2024
March 31 is National Crayon Day!
Crayola crayons were first introduced in 1903 in Easton Pennsylvania. Because the number of crayons an average child will use
by the age of ten is 730, crayons were one of the original inductees into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 1999.
Here are some ways you can celebrate National Crayon Day in your program:
- The 31st falls on a Sunday this year, so ask everyone to dress as their favorite color crayon on the Friday before or the Monday after.
- Do all written communication for the day with crayons.
- Decorate cardboard boxes to look like crayon boxes and label one for each color. Then send the children on a color scavenger
hunt around the room to find objects of a certain color and put them in the corresponding box.
- Take out the program crayon container and have the children sort out broken bits and put them in muffin tins. Put the muffin
tins in a low oven and melt the crayons to make new crayons. You can separate them by a single color or make rainbow ones by adding
multiple colors to one muffin cup of the tin.
- Ask children what their favorite color is and graph the results on posterboard or a bulletin board.
- Read books about crayons and colors such as The Day the Crayons Quit, Harold and the Purple Crayon and The Crayon Box that Talked.
- Make all sizes and types of crayons and different types of paper available in the art area and let the children's imaginations run wild.
As American author, Robert Fulghum once said, "We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while
others bright, some have weird names, but they all have to learn to live together in the same box."
Happy coloring!
Mar 18, 2024
Mar 11, 2024
March 18 is Global Recycling Day!
Global Recycling Day is a day to spread awareness about the need for recycling to help save the planet. This year's theme
of Global Recycling Day is #RecyclingHeroes.
To celebrate, you can have individual children or the group design their own recycling superhero:
- What do they look like?
- What do they wear?
- What are their superpowers?
- Do they have a special catch phrase or slogan?
Have children draw their version of a Recycling Hero to share with the group, post on a bulletin board or feature in a newsletter.
You could make this a longer project by writing and illustrating a class book to share with families. Maybe you could even turn their
book into a small play they put on for other classes and families to help spread the importance of recycling. This could even turn
into a fundraiser to purchase supplies, such as recycling containers and posters, to start a program-wide recycling initiative if
you don't already have one in place.
Other things you can do are:
- Set up a recycling center in your dramatic play area where children can practice sorting the different
types of clean recyclable materials (paper, plastic, etc.). To reduce children's exposure to allergens during
this activity, avoid using containers that contained food.
- Put containers in the program to collect items that have a 5-cent deposit and take them to a redemption center.
You could donate the proceeds to local charity or to a program initiative to purchase needed books or art supplies
or to help fund the cost of a field trip.
Happy recycling!
Mar 06, 2024
Mar 04, 2024
Mar 01, 2024
March 3rd is I Want You To Be Happy Day!
This is a day that encourages everyone to do something that makes others happy.
Some things you can do in your program to help spread happiness are:
- Smiling is infectious. It's hard not to return a smile when someone sends one your way, so take pictures of
everyone in the program smiling and put them on display throughout the program in places everyone can see.
- Have children draw pictures of smiles and paste them to craft sticks. Put them in a container the children
have access to and encourage them to wear them when they think someone needs a smile.
- Sing "If You're Happy and You Know It" with the children and ask them what makes them happy and add those
ideas to the song when you can.
- Share joke books in the book area and ask children to share their favorite jokes with the group.
You can put some of the favorites in a container that can be shared when someone needs a pick-me-up.
- Offer a handshake, high five, fist bump or hug when someone needs one.
Remember, according to the Dalai Lama, "Happiness is the highest form of health.", so be sure to spread happiness throughout every day.
Feb 20, 2024
Feb 16, 2024
El curso eLearning "Desarrollando sobre los fundamentos de salud y seguridad" se encuentra ahora disponible en español.
Durante este curso completamente narrado, los aprendices recibirán una revisión de la información importante presentada en el
Aprendizaje a distancia sobre fundamentos de salud y seguridad. También se les proveerán actualizaciones e información nueva en
todas las áreas de los requisitos de salud y seguridad obligatorios a nivel federal.
Este curso imparte cinco (5) horas de capacitación en los siguientes temas de capacitación de la OCFS:
- Principios de desarrollo de la niñez
- Seguridad y protección
- Estatutos y regulaciones sobre el cuidado infantil
- Experiencias adversas en la niñez
- Nutrición y salud
- Registros empresariales
- Estatutos y regulaciones sobre el CAM
- Desarrollo de un programa de cuidado infantil
- Identificación y prevención del CAM
- Síndrome del bebé sacudido
Inscríbase hoy
Feb 16, 2024
The e-Learning course, "Building on the Foundation of Health and Safety" is now available in Spanish.
During this fully narrated course, trainees will receive a review of important information presented in the Foundations in
Health and Safety e-Learning. They will also be provided with updates and new information in all areas of the federally mandated
health and safety requirements.
This course will provide 5 (five) hours of training in the following OCFS training topics:
- Principles of Childhood Development
- Safety and Security
- Child Care Statutes and Regs
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Nutrition and Health
- Business Records
- CAM Statutes and Regs
- Child Care Program Development
- CAM ID and Prevention
- Shaken Baby Syndrome
Register for the latest e-Learning coursestoday.
Feb 13, 2024
Feb 08, 2024
Feb 05, 2024
When was the last time you sent or received a piece of mail, rather than an email or text?
Wednesday, February 7, 2024 is National Send a Card to a Friend Day.
Letter writing has becoming a lost art. Let's help keep this way of communication alive by having the children create and send a card,
letter or piece of artwork to a loved one, an essential worker or a resident of a nursing home.
Other things you can do in your program to help celebrate Send a Card to a Friend Day are:
- talk about the post office and how the mail works,
- take a field trip to post office or have your postal carrier come in to speak to the children, and/or
- set up post office in the dramatic play area with paper, writing tools, envelopes, stampers and ink or stickers to use as "stamps".
Happy mailing!
Feb 01, 2024
February is Black History Month.
Research shows that children in preschool begin sorting people by race. That's why it's important that children of all
backgrounds talk and learn about their own and other cultures.
Some African Americans and their achievements you can celebrate during the month include:
- Alfred Cralle- inventor of the mechanical ice cream scoop. Put ice cream scoops in the sand table and/or have
ice cream scoop relay races where children take turns scooping up colorful
pom poms into the scoop and putting them in different ice cream bowls around the room.
- Garrett Morgan- inventor of the improved traffic light to include the "yield" or yellow light. Add a yellow light
(walk) direction to a game of Red light (stop), Green Light (run).
- Archie Alexander- responsible for the construction of many roads and bridges. Encourage children to build roads
and bridges in the block area and take pictures to make a book.
- Sara Boone- invented an ironing board that allowed sleeves of women's garments to be ironed more easily. Put an
ironing board, play iron and garments with sleeves in the dramatic play area.
- Roger Arliner Young- first African American woman to receive a doctorate degree in zoology. Put animal costumes
in the dramatic play areas, add zoo animals to the block area, take a trip to a local zoo.
Also, be sure to check out the OCFS DEIA Toolkit for ways to expand children's access and exposure to diversity, equity, inclusion and
accessibility throughout the program in organic ways.
Jan 29, 2024
Jan 22, 2024
Jan 16, 2024
Cold, Flu or COVID?
The winter months see an increase in the diagnosis of the flu, colds and COVID-19. Because many of the symptoms are similar,
here's some information to help you distinguish between the three.
The Flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza
virus that infect the nose, throat and sometimes the lungs. People who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:
fever or feeling feverish/chills, cough, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, muscle/body aches, headaches, fatigue and some may have
committing and diarrhea (more common in children).
Colds are contagious respiratory illnesses caused by a number of different viruses. Colds have similar symptoms to the flu, but people with
colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose and they generally do not result in serious health problems.
COVID-19 is a contagious respiratory illness caused by infection with a coronavirus. Covid spreads more easily that the flu and people
infected with COVID take longer to show symptoms and may be contagious for longer periods of time. COVID shares many of the same symptoms
as the flu, but with these differences: diarrhea can occur in any age and a change in, or loss, of taste or smell are more frequent with COVID.
If children in your program are showing any of these signs or symptoms, you should contact the family. In order to do this, you need
to make sure you can reach them. Make time to speak with each family to review their emergency contact information and make any necessary
updates. And be sure you are conducting your daily health checks on the awake child, as they arrive at the program with the parent present
and if there are changes in the child's health throughout the day.
Jan 11, 2024
Jan 08, 2024
Celebrating Fairness and Respect.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that no matter what you look like or where you come from, everyone deserves to be
treated fairly and with respect. This year we celebrate his life and teachings on January 15th.
You can help keep his dream alive in your program by:
- Reading books about Martin Luther King Jr. or diversity with the children in your care.
The OFCS DEIA Toolkit Publication 5533F- "DEIA Books" is a great resource to help you find appropriate books for the age groups you care for.
- Promoting acts of kindness in your program. You can do this is by setting up an appreciation board. This could be a white board,
bulletin board or large piece of posterboard you post somewhere in the program where people can write down acts of kindness they
witness. Read the notes with the children and then post them on the program's social media sites or put them in a newsletter.
This is something you can start this month and keep it going all year long.
- With older children, explore the power of words. Introduce a word of the day or week, such as stereotype, bias, privilege,
diversity, inclusion, equity, accessibility, peace, etc. Define the word and talk about how it makes the children feel and
what can be done in the program to make change. Again, the OCFS DEIA Toolkit has publications that can help you do this.
- As a group, do something age-appropriate with the children that makes the lives of someone else a little better. Some
examples are cleaning up the playground or local park, collecting canned goods for a food pantry, collecting clothes for
those in need, making crafts or treats to send to a nursing home or making thank you cards for essential workers and
mailing them to fire houses, police departments, hospitals and schools.
By engaging in activities like this every day in your program you can help spread Dr. King's message and bring your program one
step closer to achieving his dream.
Jan 02, 2024
ECETP Training Opportunities for 2024.
A new year is here. A time for growth, change and renewal. Maybe you've made a resolution to get on top of your training requirements.
If that's the case, the Early Childhood Education and Training Program (ECETP) is here to help!
Providers with an active account have access to our eLearning catalog, virtual classes and more.
If you don't have an account, it's easy to create one:
- Go to the ECETP Account Login page.
- Click on "Create a New ECETP Account".
- Participants will be asked to fill in their:
- first name,
- last name, and
- an email address – this should be a personal email not a work email.
- Click "Send Verification Link".
- Check email supplied and click on the link in the verification email.
- Create a password, then click "Create your account".
- Click "Go to login".
- Enter the email address and password, then click "Login".
- Enter demographic information, then click "Submit".
If you do have an account, this is a great time to check your profile and make any necessary updates.
When your profile is up to date you will get important emails from us about training opportunities and your training certificates
will automatically be sent directly to OCFS. The ECETP website has both an
English video and a
Spanish video that can
help you update your profile.
What are you waiting for? Get online, create an account, and get started on fulfilling your OCFS training requirements today!
Dec 20, 2023
Dec 13, 2023
Winter Safety Tips
The winter months are filled with ice and snow, celebrations and festive holiday decorations and foods, all of which bring their
own special set of safety related things to think about and prepare for.
Winter weather in New York can be unpredictable. It's important to be prepared for cold temperatures, business closures, icy road
and walking conditions and power outages.
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website for tips on how to stay safe and healthy in winter.
They offer advice on preparing your home, vehicle, being ready for emergencies and precautions to take while engaging in
outdoor activities.
Speaking of outdoors activities, it's important that young children get daily safe outdoor time. Consult the
Child Care
Weather Watch chart to make sure weather conditions allow for this before going outside. It's a good idea to print these charts and post
them in every room or near doors leading to the outside of your program so everyone has access to the information.
The colder weather, decorating and cooking and baking for gatherings present special fire safety precautions we need to
be aware of. Visit the American Red Cross for more information on holiday fire safety tips.
Wishing you all a safe and happy winter season!
Dec 12, 2023
Dec 06, 2023
Safe Toys and Gifts Month
December is the biggest gift-giving month of the year.
Keep these safety tips in mind as your program purchases or receives new items:
- Inspect toys before you buy them, or if new, before letting children use them. Look for sharp edges, small parts or parts that
could be easily removed. Be cautious of items with button batteries,
cords, ropes, magnets
or ones that can heat up.
- Toys are age-rated for safety so be sure the age and skill level marked on the toy matches that of the child(ren) using it.
- Check labels to make sure items are lead-free, non-toxic and up to ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards.
This is also a good time inspect what you already have to make sure it's still in good working condition and still safe for the children to use.
Visit the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) for information on the latest recalls and to sign up for their customizable recall email list.
Be sure to share this information with families through a newsletter, bulletin board, fact sheet or text/email.
Happy holidays and safe gift giving and receiving!
Dec 04, 2023
Salmonella Outbreak causes Cantaloupe Recall
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Food Safety Alert regarding an outbreak of
Salmonella infections linked to cantaloupes.
Malichita and Rudy brand whole cantaloupes have been recalled. They might have a sticker on them that says "Malichita" or "Rudy"
with the number "4050", and the "Product of Mexico/produit du Mexique". Several pre-cut fruit products have been made with the
recalled whole cantaloupe. A complete list of the recalled food can be
found on the CDC website.
As of November 28, 2023, 117 people in 34 states (including NY) have gotten sick. Several have been hospitalized and there have
been two reported deaths. The CDC is concerned about this outbreak because illnesses are severe and people in long-term care facilities
and childcare centers have gotten sick.
To protect your program from the salmonella outbreak you should:
- NOT USE any recalled whole or pre-cut cantaloupe;
- NOT SERVE any cantaloupe that was supplied pre-cut if you don't know if recalled whole cantaloupes were used;
- Wash items and surfaces that may have touched the cantaloupe using hot soapy water or a dishwasher; and
- Call a health care provider if you or anyone in your program has severe Salmonella symptoms.
If you have questions about any cases in New York, please contact the NYS Department of Health (DOH).
Dec 01, 2023
Handwashing Awareness Month
Flu and other winter-related illness season is upon us. The easiest, cheapest and most effective way to prevent the spread of germs is
proper handwashing.
That's why NYS Child Day Care Regulations require you,
and the children, to thoroughly wash hands with soap and running water when they are dirty, after toileting or assisting children with toileting,
before and after food handling or eating, after handling pets or other animals, after contact with any bodily secretion or fluid, and after coming
in from outdoors. Additionally, you are required to wash your hands with soap and water at the beginning of each day, before and after the
administration of medications and after changing a diaper.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) list
five steps to properly wash hands: wet, lather, scrub, rinse, dry.
Remember, hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol can be used on hands when soap and water are not readily available.
But remember, they don't get rid of all types of germs, so use them when you need to but wash with soap and water as soon as you can.
The CDC website has downloadable resources designed to help raise awareness about the importance of handwashing
at key times in both homes and public settings.
Be sure to visit the NYS Department of Health website for more
information about seasonal influenza for children and adolescents.
Wishing you a healthy winter season!
Nov 28, 2023
Nov 20, 2023
Family Stories Month
Children who spend significant amounts of time outside of their home, whether in child care or school, need to see themselves
represented in these environments. This helps boost their self-esteem and teaches them about diversity and inclusion. As the holidays
roll around, it's a great time to ask families to collect information about their family history they can share with the program.
Some suggestions for sharing family stories are:
- Use the OCFS DEIA ToolKIt- All About Me form
as a template to create an "All about My Family" form that each family fills out and returns to you. Then take the information you
get to make each child's family book that can be displayed in the program and read during story time.
- Feature a "Family of the Week" on the program's website, newsletter or bulletin board.
- Ask family members to come in and share something special about their family. It could be a custom or tradition they have,
a celebration they observe, a favorite recipe or heirloom, etc. If they can't get to the program in person, ask them to send
in a note, picture or video.
Remember, when we know more about each other, we can develop stronger relationships and build better communities for all.
Nov 15, 2023
Recalled Cinnamon Applesauce Pouches
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a Health Action Network (HAN) Health Advisory regarding high blood levels
in Children Consuming Recalled Cinnamon Applesauce Pouches. Multiple states have reported potential cases to the U.S. Federal Drug
Administration (FDA) of high blood levels in children consuming recalled cinnamon-containing applesauce products that have high
levels of lead.
Certain apple puree and applesauce products are affected at this time.
This includes all lot codes and expiration dates of:
WanaBana Apple Cinnamon Fruit Purée Pouches
Schnucks Applesauce Pouches (cinnamon flavor and variety pack)
- Weis Cinnamon Applesauce Pouches (i.e., specific lots of UPC 041497216123)
These products were sold and distributed by multiple retailers, including Sam's Club, Amazon, and Dollar Tree.
As this investigation is ongoing, consumers who have purchased these products should discard them immediately and contact
their health care provider if their children may have eaten these recalled fruit pouches and/or have
symptoms of lead toxicity.
Visit the FDA web site for more
information regarding the ongoing FDA investigation.
You can also find more information on the
NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets website.
Nov 13, 2023
National Gratitude Month
Gratitude is more than simply saying "thank you." It's a positive emotion that involves being grateful and appreciative of good things
that happen, including life's big events as well as everyday pleasures that often go unnoticed. Expressing gratitude can enhance mood,
decrease stress, improve overall health and wellbeing.
Some things you can do in your program to encourage expressing gratitude are:
- Practice a daily Moment of Gratitude. For younger children, ask them to share something they are grateful for during
mealtime or group time. For older children, have them write in a daily gratitude journal and share their thoughts.
- Have everyone create "I am grateful for…" paintings, drawings or collages that you can display around the program.
- Hang a piece of posterboard near the entrance of the program where families can write down things they are grateful for.
Share some of the comments in the program's newsletter or an email.
- Hand out "Gratitude Badges" (stickers) when you see someone expressing gratitude to someone else.
Remember, we are grateful for you and all you do for the children and families of New York State.
Nov 06, 2023
National Family Literacy Month
Research shows that reading aloud with children is the most important thing you can do to prepare them to read on their own.
Reading together helps develop positive bonds between the adult and the child while making memories that last a lifetime.
You can encourage family literacy events by:
- Putting together literacy bags containing a book and a simple activity families can do at home.
- Setting up a lending library in the program where families can check out books to read at home.
- Asking someone from the local library to visit the program to get families signed up for a library card.
- Picking a book the entire program will read at home and have a book club bulletin board where families can
write down their thoughts about the book. These could be their favorite part, character or quotes from the book
or questions they have. Add the information to your program's newsletter or website at the end of the month.
- Having a program-wide book swap table where families can bring in a book they longer read, put it on the
table and trade it for another one on the table.
Oct 30, 2023
Oct 23, 2023
"I'm Just Me Because" Month
We're all unique people who bring something special to every environment we walk into. Our individuality is what makes this world a
special place, so find time this month to celebrate diversity and highlight what makes each person in your program special.
Build ways to allow everyone to express their individuality throughout all areas of your program by:
- Making "All about Me" books or posters. Collect information about the children, such as their favorite color, toys, hobbies, etc.
Use what you learn to help the child author a book or poster that can be shared with everyone in the program. Having these items on display
will help people see their similarities and what things make us unique. Sharing this information can help make new connections, build
friendships and open up opportunities for new experiences.
- Making mirrors and diverse art materials available so children can create authentic drawings, paintings and sculptures of themselves.
- Celebrating a child of the day or week. This is a great time to share the child's "All about Me" book and art creations with everyone.
For more information about diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) visit the
DEIA Toolkit section of the OCFS website.
Remember, there's only one you, so encourage everyone to be themselves today and every day.
Oct 16, 2023
Oct 12, 2023
Oct 12, 2023
Oct 10, 2023
October is National Fire Prevention Month.
Keeping children safe is your number one priority. This includes being prepared for emergencies such as fires. Young children learn by doing
and through repetition, so it's important to practice fire safety tips throughout the year.
Some special things you can do to emphasis fire safety during October are:
- Introducing a game of Stop, Drop and Roll (modeled after Red Light, Green Light).
- Touring a local fire department or asking them to bring a truck and/or firefighters to
your program so children can see the gear and ask questions.
- Adding firefighter gear and phones to the dramatic play area so children can get familiar with the gear and practice dialing 911.
- Adding fire trucks and firefighters to the block area.
- Having children crawl from place to place during transitions to practice protecting themselves from smoke inhalation.
Oct 02, 2023
ECETP Profile Update Reminder
Earlier this year, ECETP and OCFS collaborated to implement a training certificate data transfer that makes it easier to track and
report your ECETP training completions. All you need to do is update your ECETP profile.
Videos detailing the process can be found in both English and Spanish in the "Featured Videos" section of the ECETP website.
Remember, if you have recently applied for fingerprinting or have changed child care programs, go to the ECETP website and update
your facility information in your ECETP profile today.
Sep 26, 2023
Sep 18, 2023
Baby Safety Month.
Babies are our most vulnerable population. They need the help of trusting and caring adults in their lives to get their basic needs met.
That's why it's on us to make sure we are providing safe environments for them to grow and develop in.
Some things you can do to keep babies safe while in your care are:
- Go online and open the New York State Child Day Care Regulations
for the modality of care you provide. Search the word "infant" and "baby" to review all relevant regulations to be sure you are in compliance,
especially in the areas of safe sleep.
- Get on the floor so you can see things from the child's level and assess any potential hazards.
- Visit the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) website to sign up for communication on the latest recalls.
- Anchor large pieces of furniture and televisions to reduce tip hazards.
- Cover outlets, put gates at the top and bottom of stairs, remove blind cords and put safety latches on cabinets and toilets.
- Remove anything that poses a choking hazard.
Sep 13, 2023
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month.
Childhood obesity is a complex disease with many contributing factors such as genetics, eating patterns, physical activity levels
and sleep routines. According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), "childhood obesity is a serious health problem in the United States where 1 in 5 children and adolescents are affected."
If not addressed, childhood obesity can often last into adulthood and can lead to lifelong health issues such as diabetes, certain cancers
and sleep disorders.
As a child care provider you have a unique opportunity to reduce obesity risks by providing children of all ages with safe places
and spaces for physical activity, healthy meals and snacks, plenty of water for hydration and time to rest.
You can find many obesity prevention programs in community, child care, school and health care settings on the New York State
Department of Health's website. Be sure to
share this information and other resources about childhood obesity with colleagues and families.
Sep 11, 2023
Sep 11, 2023
Sep 05, 2023
National Preparedness Month.
You never know when an emergency might happen so it's vital that you are prepared. That's why September observes National Preparedness Month.
Emergencies include natural disasters (floods, snowstorms, tornadoes, etc.) and human-made disasters (fires, terrorism, crime, etc.).
The type of emergency determines the type of action you should take– evacuation (relocate) or shelter in place (stay where you are).
Make sure everyone knows when to choose which option and what they should do.
It's important to practice both evacuation and shelter in place drills with children so everyone knows what to expect if an emergency
should occur. New York State Child Day Care Regulations provide specific information on when you should be conducting your different
preparedness drills.
This is a great time to take out your emergency plan and review it to see if it needs any updating. Once it's ready to go, make sure
everyone in the program knows what it says and how to follow it.
The NYS Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) has a safety and emergency planning section that contains information on home safety,
disaster preparedness, disaster recovery, trauma response, activities for children and resources. Check it out for great ideas you can
implement in your program and share with families so everyone can be prepared.
Aug 28, 2023
Aug 21, 2023
Children's Eye Health and Safety Month.
August is Children's Eye Health and Safety Month. It's important to take good care of your eyes because they help you see
clearly and understand the environment around you. Good eye health is also a major contributor to success in school.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
signs of vision loss include:
- closing or covering one eye,
- squinting the eyes or frowning,
- complaining that things are blurry or hard to see,
- having trouble reading or doing other close-up work, or holding objects close the eyes in order to see, and
- blinking more than usual or seeming cranky when doing close-up work.
Some things you can do to promote good eye health are:
- provide information to families and staff via a newsletter or program bulletin board,
- encourage families to schedule an eye exam for their child,
- promote the wearing of sunglasses when outdoors, and
- take a look at your menu to see if you can add foods that promote eye health such as dark leafy
greens (spinach, kale and collard greens) and fish (tuna, salmon and halibut).
Aug 14, 2023
August is National Sandwich Month.
According to the USDA, on any given day 47% of adults eat a sandwich and nearly one-half of all sandwiches are eaten at lunch.
Miriam Webster, defines a sandwich as:
- two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between; or
- one slice of bread covered with food; or
- something resembling a sandwich, especially composite structural materials consisting of layers often of high-strength
facings bonded to a low strength central core.
Try some of these ideas in your program to help celebrate sandwiches:
- Take a look at your current menu. Are there any sandwiches on it? If not, add one.
If yes, see if there is a way you could jazz it up by switching up an ingredient or adding a new one.
You can find some CACFP sandwich recipes online.
- Poll the children to find out what their favorite sandwiches are and share the results with families in a newsletter
or by having a family luncheon where you serve the winner.
- Try a sandwich such as a torta, Bành Mì or gyro. Ask families to share sandwich recipes or samples from their cultures.
- Tell the children what the dictionary definition of a sandwich is and have conversations.
Some items you could debate are hamburgers, quesadillas, wraps, tacos and lasagna.
- Invent your own sandwich and have a taste test; poll others in the program to get their thoughts.
- Assemble a sandwich recipe book and sell it as a fundraiser.
Aug 11, 2023
Aug 07, 2023
August is Get Ready for Kindergarten Month!
The term Kindergarten readiness may bring to mind thoughts about learning the alphabet, numbers, shapes and colors.
But there's so much more to it than that. Having social, emotional and behavioral skills are equally important. That's
why we need to focus on the development of the whole child.
Here are some tips from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) to
help prepare children
for Kindergarten you can share with families:
- help them develop independence at home,
- focus on self-help skills,
- teach responsibility,
- develop and follow routines,
- read aloud to the child,
- engage in meaningful literacy activities, and
- acknowledge their feelings.
Jul 31, 2023
Jul 27, 2023
Workforce Retention Grant.
On May 31, 2023, Governor Kathy Hochul announced a $500 million investment in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget to bolster New York's
child care workforce through the Workforce Retention Grant program. Funding from the program will support up to 150,000 child care
workers with bonus payments ranging from $2,300 to $3,000 to staff in caregiving roles, as well as funding to support child care
program's efforts to recruit new staff, offer sign-on and referral bonuses, and more.
The Workforce Retention Grant program is for eligible New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS)
licensed/registered school-age child care programs (SACC), day care centers (DCC), family day care homes (FDC),
group family day care homes (GFDC), small day care centers (SDCC) and Ney York City Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) permitted Article 47 group day care centers (GDC).
The Application portal
for the Workforce Retention Grant program is now open! It closes September 15th.
Jul 24, 2023
Don't forget to update your ECETP profile!
Earlier this year, ECETP and OCFS collaborated to implement a training certificate data transfer that makes it easier
to track and report your ECETP training completions. All you need to do is update your ECETP profile.
Videos detailing the process can be found in both English and Spanish in the
"Featured Videos" section of the ECETP website.
Remember, if you have recently applied for fingerprinting or have changed child care programs, go to the ECETP website and
update your facility information in your ECETP profile today.
Jul 17, 2023
July is National Anti-Boredom Month.
As we get deeper into the summer season, we begin to hear the children utter those all too familiar words, "I'm bored!"
Feeling bored from time to time is normal, but those who get bored easily are more prone to depression, anxiety and
aggression. There are many ways you can help children combat boredom, including:
- offering them opportunities to investigate a new hobby such as gardening or bird watching;
- getting a change of scenery through a walk around the neighborhood or going on a field trip;
- providing them opportunities to learn a new skill such as playing an instrument or cooking;
- involve them in volunteer efforts by making art or thank you cards and sending them to a local nursing home, fire house or police department;
- rotating toys, materials and books in the program to mix things up;
- going on a scavenger hunt;
- introducing new board games and active play ideas.
Jul 10, 2023
July is National UV Safety Awareness Month!
July is prime time to be outdoors enjoying the warm weather. However, the more time you spend outdoors during the day,
the more exposure you have to the sun's harmful Ultraviolet (U.V.) rays– invisible radiation that comes from the sun,
tanning beds and sun lamps. These rays can damage our skin and eyes all year round, on cloudy and cool days.
To protect yourself, apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and wear a hat and sunglasses. For
more information about sun safety,
visit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website.
Jul 05, 2023
July is National Picnic Month!
July is National Picnic Month, so what a great time to take snack or lunch outside or to a blanket on the carpet
(if the weather isn't cooperating). Possible themes for summertime picnics with children include tea party, teddy
bear or favorite stuffed animal, colors, carnival or camping
Hosting a program-wide picnic afterhours or on a weekend is also a great opportunity to involve families so you
can get to know them better in a casual setting. You could ask families to bring a dish to share that is special
to their family and ask them to contribute the recipe to a program cookbook. Make sure you plan for a day/time
that works best for your families by emailing an electronic survey or a paper survey.
Either way, changing up the scenery and routine a bit can help alleviate boredom and spark creativity so
happy picnicking!
Jun 29, 2023
June OCFS DCCS Newsletter.
Make sure you check out the second edition of the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) Division of Child Care Services (DCCS)
quarterly newsletter. The June 2023 issue
of the OCFS DCCS Newsletter contains information on the budget, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility resources,
the Comprehensive Background Check System, and more. It's now available on the OCFS website in English and Spanish.
Jun 26, 2023
Jun 22, 2023
New "Tip Sheets" for legally exempt child care providers and enrollment agencies.
We are pleased to announce the availability of two new resources for legally exempt child care providers and enrollment agencies.
These tip sheets provide summaries of the training requirements for enrollment, re-enrollment, and enhanced reimbursement rates for
legally exempt informal providers and group programs. Please feel free to download and print these documents for your reference or
to share with enrolled legally exempt providers and programs. Enrollment agency staff can also find these tips sheets on the
Child Care Assistance website.
Jun 20, 2023
New York Milk Bank.
The New York Milk Bank provides safely pasteurized donor human milk to premature and medically fragile babies in local NICU's
when their mothers' own milk is unavailable or insufficient. You can save lives by donating your extra breast milk for use.
Becoming a New York Milk Bank Donor takes 4 easy steps: a screening call, an application, free blood test and once approved,
your first milk donation. Contact them today for more information.
Jun 14, 2023
New e-Learning course available: "Documentation and Record Keeping for Enrolled Legally Exempt Providers and Programs".
The newest e-learning course "Documentation and Record Keeping for Enrolled Legally Exempt Providers and Programs" is
available for training. This fully narrated course explains what business records you need to keep as an enrolled legally
exempt provider or program. The training lists what documentation is required by the regulations in Part 415,
Child Care Services. It also reviews other records you should keep as a best business practice. And finally, it offers
tips for organizing written or electronic records and developing a system for keeping everything up to date.
This course will provide you with 1.5 hours of training in the following OCFS training topics:
- Child Care Program Development
- Safety and Security
- Business Records
- Statutes and Regulations Pertaining to Child Day Care
Register for the newest e-learning course today.
Jun 12, 2023
National Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Month.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) half of our plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables.
June is the time of year when many early garden crops are harvested, so what a great time to add more fresh fruits and
vegetables to your menu.
Here are some ideas to help you celebrate:
- if possible, take the children to visit a local farmer's market or farm to learn about fresh fruits and vegetables in their community,
- start a program garden,
- keeping possible food allergies in mind, have a weekly fruit or vegetable show and tell where you introduce a new piece of produce
to the children- have them observe the item using all of their senses, and
- review your program's menu to see places you could add additional fresh fruits and veggies to lunches and snacks.
Jun 09, 2023
Jun 07, 2023
Jun 05, 2023
June is National Safety Month.
The health and safety of the children in your care is your number one priority. June is National Safety Month so try
to incorporate some of these ideas into your programming:
- review and update your program’s Emergency Plan;
- check the first aid kits throughout the program and update as needed;
- enroll in a first aid/CPR class or other training about safety;
- take the children on an indoor and outdoor safety scavenger hunt and ask them for
ideas on how to make the spaces safer for everyone;
- share information about water safety with families; and
- open the Child Day Care Regulations
for the modality of care you work in, search the word "safe" or "safety" and make sure the program is in compliance.
Jun 01, 2023
Dear Provider Letter: DEIA Toolkit.
The Office of Children and Family Services recently distributed a Dear Provider Letter advertising the creation of a
DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility) Toolkit.
DEIA fosters acceptance, confidence and empathy with all people and diverse, multicultural spaces lead to enriching environments.
The Toolkit is meant to support child care programs in their creation of an enhanced environment that creates safe, joyful,
healthy, nurturing and comforting spaces. We encourage you to go to the OCFS website and check out the materials.
May 30, 2023
May 25, 2023
May 23, 2023
May 22, 2023
National Get Caught Reading Month.
Maps, instructional manuals, recipes, food labels, books, short stories, poems, magazines, brochures, street signs–
we're constantly surrounded by words begging to be read.
You can help instill a life-long love of reading in children in many ways, including visiting the local library,
making different types of reading materials available to children and adults throughout all areas of the program at
all times, organizing a program-wide reading night, or photocopying the cover of books you've read with the children
and displaying them in the program.
May is National Get Caught Reading month so no matter where you are or what you're doing, find time for you and the
children to read, read, read!
May 19, 2023
May 15, 2023
National Dental Care Awareness Month.
Brushing teeth twice a day, flossing, avoiding sugary snacks and seeing a dentist twice a year can help reduce
the risk of cavities, infections and the need for expensive long-term dental repairs.
May is National Dental Care Awareness Month so this is a great time to read books about visiting a dentist, ask
a dental professional to visit your program or set up a dentist’s office in your dramatic play area where children
can practice brushing teeth on stuffed animals or dolls.
Remember, good oral health leads to good overall health so be sure to share information about proper oral care
with families as well.
May 08, 2023
Early Childhood Educator and Provider Appreciation Week.
As an early childhood educator or child care provider, you juggle many challenges. Every day you provide safe
environments and activities, serve healthy meals and snacks, build strong relationships, attend training, have
tough conversations and navigate regulations and paperwork.
That's why New York State celebrates Early Childhood Educator and Child Care Provider Appreciation Week
from May 8-12, 2023. Visit our YouTube channel to watch a video celebrating you and all you do.
Always remember, you are essential and we THANK YOU for your continued dedication, commitment and passion
to the children and families of New York State.
May 05, 2023
May 01, 2023
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month.
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health.
If you have an ear infection, you go to the doctor – no questions asked. If you have a cavity, you
go to the dentist – again, no questions asked. So, if you are feeling anxious, stressed or depressed,
or see signs of negative mental health in others, seek help – no questions asked.
Be sure to check in with children as well to see how they are feeling and provide them with strategies
they can use when they are experiencing different emotions. This will help instill in them a positive
attitude about mental health they can use throughout their lives.
Some things you can do with children are building time for meditation and deep breathing into your
daily routine, taking time out for mindful moments, discussing different emotions and emotional vocabulary
and doing daily check-ins using a how are you feeling today chart and sharing this information with
Visit the CDC website for more information about mental health
and tools and resources.
Apr 26, 2023
Apr 24, 2023
Sign Up for CPSC recall notices.
As a child care provider, one of your most important jobs is to provide the children in your care with a safe and
healthy environment where they can learn, play and grow.
One way to do this is by visiting the Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) website to search or sign up for
information on latest product recalls. Signing up is easy- just click on the yellow "Choose Your Recall Email" button,
fill out the information and click next. CPSC will then email you information so you never miss a recall notice.
Apr 17, 2023
April 22nd is Earth Day.
April 22nd is Earth Day– a day to come together as a community to do something specific to raise awareness about
issues such as pollution, deforestation and climate control.
There are special things you can do on that day to celebrate the Earth such as planting a tree, picking up litter
in a local park or playground, or having a program-wide celebration. There are also
things you can do every day to
help protect the planet.
Remember, we only get one Earth, so we all must do our part to keep it clean and healthy. Happy Earth Day!
Apr 11, 2023
We are pleased to announce a new training opportunity for enrolled legally exempt group programs.
Program directors and/or qualified trainers may now access our On-Demand Training to conduct in-service training for
their staff.
On-Demand Training provides 24/7 access to a selection of previously recorded webcasts and current eLearning courses.
On-Demand Trainings were developed in partnership with OCFS, and successful completion of these courses can help your staff
meet the OCFS training requirements, including the pre-service health and safety requirement. Course materials include
handouts and directions for conducting the trainings. At the end of each training session, participants will be required
to pass a post-test in order to receive training credit. They will also need to complete an online participant reaction
Read more about On-Demand training on our website,
or send us an email for more information:
Apr 07, 2023
Apr 05, 2023
Reminder: Quarterly Profile Update.
Earlier this year, ECETP and OCFS collaborated to implement a training certificate data transfer that makes it easier
to track and report your ECETP training completions. All you need to do is update your ECETP profile.
Videos detailing the process can be found in both English and Spanish in the "Featured Videos" section of the ECETP website.
Remember, if you have recently applied for fingerprinting or have changed child care programs, go to the ECETP website and
update your facility information in your ECETP profile today.
Mar 29, 2023
New CCAP (Child Care Assistance Program) Eligibility Questionnaire.
Did you know that families you work with may be eligible for child care at low or no cost
through the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)? OCFS has released a new online CCAP Eligibility
Questionnaire to help families see if they may be eligible. The questionnaire is quick, simple,
and available in 13 languages.
Visit the CCAP website for resources including a link to the questionnaire, information
on what CCAP means for both families and providers, and more.
Mar 27, 2023
Auto Injector Initiative.
An estimated one (1) in 13 children is impacted by allergies. Many children experience events
for the first time while in child care, these may include new foods and insect bites. There is no
way to predict when a child will have an allergic reaction. If anaphylaxis were to occur, is your
child care program prepared to respond? Epinephrine is the first line drug of choice for the
emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions. Having a non-patient specific auto-injector in
your program's emergency tool kit, and the knowledge of how to use it, is a lifesaving investment.
So why wait? Visit the OCFS website and participate in the cost-free
Auto Injector Initiative today!
Mar 23, 2023
Mar 20, 2023
Mar 17, 2023
Virtual Class Opportunities in April 2023.
Registration is now open for all second-quarter virtual classes and two popular, interactive courses
in April still have seats available! Secure your spot today for "Do You Know Why? The Importance of
Understanding Allergies" on April 4th and "Town Hall Meeting: Child Abuse and Maltreatment" on April 20th.
Class capacity is limited, so register today to secure your seat.
Mar 13, 2023
March is national developmental disabilities awareness month.
Developmental disabilities are conditions that impair a child's physical, learning, language or behavior.
Having a good understanding about developmental milestones can help identify possible delays.
Visit the CDC webpage for
information and resources about milestones you can share with colleagues and families.
If you have concerns about the development of a child, talk to the family and suggest they reach out to
New York State Early Intervention Program (ages 0-3), the Committee on Preschool Education (CPSE)
of the child's school district (ages 3-5) and the Committee on Special Education (CSE) of the child's
school district (ages 5-21).
Remember, early detection of developmental disabilities is key to limiting the impacts on the
child's long-term development. As the New York State Early Intervention program says,
"Early Help Makes a Difference."
Mar 10, 2023
Mar 08, 2023
New e-Learning course available.
The newest e-Learning course “Lead: The Hidden Danger in Drinking Water” is available for training.
During this fully narrated course trainees will learn what lead is, how it can affect children, what
they can do if they find it in their drinking water and information on the Office of Children and
Family Service’s Lead Testing in Drinking Water Program.
This course will provide 1-hour of training in the following OCFS training topics:
Register today.
Mar 08, 2023
Nuevo curso electrónico disponible.
El curso electrónico más reciente, "Plomo: El peligro oculto en el agua potable" ya está
disponible como capacitación. Durante este curso totalmente narrado, los alumnos aprenderán qué es el plomo,
cómo puede afectar a los niños, lo que pueden hacer si lo encuentran en su agua potable, e información
sobre el Programa de pruebas de plomo en agua potable de la Oficina de Servicios para Niños y Familias.
Este curso imparte 1 hora de capacitación en los siguientes temas de capacitación de la OCFS:
Inscríbase hoy.
Mar 01, 2023
March is brain injury awareness month.
There are two types of brain injuries: non-traumatic and traumatic. Non-traumatic brain injuries begin
internally due to disease, poisoning, a hereditary condition, lack of oxygen, stroke or other internal
medical conditions. Traumatic brain injuries occur due to external force such as motor vehicle accidents,
sports or recreational injuries, domestic violence, falls or child abuse.
For more information on advocacy and support to people and families living with brain injuries, visit
the Brain Injury Association of New York State website.
For training about brain injuries and young children,
register for our eLearning: "Prevention and Identification of Brain Injuries, including Abusive Head Trauma".
Feb 21, 2023
Feb 15, 2023
The newest e-Learning course "Building on the Foundation of Health and Safety" is available for training.
During this fully narrated course trainees will receive a review of important information presented in
the Foundations in Health and Safety e-Learning. They will also be provided with updates and new information
in all areas of the federally mandated health and safety requirements.
This course will provide 5-hours of training in the following OCFS training topics:
- Principles of Childhood Development
- Safety and Security
- Child Care Statutes and Regs
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Nutrition and Health
- Business Records
- CAM Statutes and Regs
- Child Care Program Development
- CAM ID and Prevention
- Shaken Baby Syndrome
Register today.
Feb 13, 2023
February is National Canned Food Month
Canned goods are reasonably affordable, require little to no preparation and have a long shelf life,
making them an emergency preparedness necessity.
It's important to store your canned goods properly and not consume any after their expiration date.
This can be confusing because cans may have an expiration date and/or a “best by” date printed on them.
Visit the Consumer Reports website for more information on this and other things to keep in mind about
your canned goods.
Feb 06, 2023
CPSC Sleepwear Recall
On January 19, 2023 the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
recalled 6 different models of NewCosplay Children's Sleepwear because it failed to meet federal
flammability standards for children's sleepwear, posing a risk of burn injuries to children. Visit the
CPSC website and scroll down the page for more information about the specific items being recalled and
what to do if you have them.
Feb 03, 2023
Jan 31, 2023
Jan 23, 2023
Jan 18, 2023
Jan 13, 2023
Jan 12, 2023
Jan 10, 2023
Jan 10, 2023
Jan 09, 2023
Jan 04, 2023
Jan 04, 2023
El curso eLearning, "¿Qué es el cuidado infantil legalmente exento?" se encuentra ahora disponible en español.
Este curso totalmente narrado está dirigido a proveedores legalmente exentos inscritos
y a las personas interesadas en convertirse en proveedores legalmente exentos inscritos.
La capacitación aborda por qué el cuidado infantil legalmente exento inscrito podría ser la opción
apropiada para familias o proveedores. Define los distintos tipos de cuidado infantil legalmente
exento. Por último, ofrece a los participantes una descripción general de las regulaciones del
estado de Nueva York que deben cumplir los proveedores legalmente exentos inscritos.
Este curso provee 1 hora de capacitación en los siguientes temas de capacitación de OCFS:
- Desarrollo de un programa de cuidado infantil
- Estatutos y regulaciones relacionados al cuidado infantil
Regístrese hoy.
Jan 04, 2023
The e-Learning course, "What Is Legally Exempt Child Care?," is now available in Spanish.
This fully narrated course is targeted to enrolled legally exempt providers and people
interested in becoming enrolled legally exempt providers. The training discusses why enrolled
legally exempt child care might be the right option for families, or un-enrolled providers.
It defines the different types of legally exempt child care. Finally, it gives participants
an overview of the New York State regulations enrolled legally exempt providers must follow.
This course will provide you with 1 hour of training in the following OCFS training topics:
- Child Day Care Program Development
- Statutes and Regulations Pertaining to Child Day Care
Register today.
Jan 02, 2023
Dec 22, 2022
Dec 20, 2022
Dec 19, 2022
The eLearning course, "Child Care Requirements and Resources for Legally Exempt Providers" is now available in Spanish.
This fully narrated course explains how to use the resources in the Enrollment Information Packet
for Legally Exempt Providers (OCFS-7026) to promote children’s health and safety. It summarizes
circumstances under which providers are required to contact families and enrollment agencies.
The course also describes the different kinds of inspections that programs and providers may undergo,
how to prepare for them, and what to expect during an inspection.
This course will provide you with 1.5 hours of training in the following OCFS training topics:
- Safety and Security
- Nutrition and Health
- Business Records
- Statutes and Regulations Pertaining to Child Day Care
- Child Care Program Development
Register today.
Dec 19, 2022
El curso eLearning, "Requisitos y recursos de cuidado infantil para proveedores legalmente exentos" se encuentra ahora disponible en español.
Este curso totalmente narrado explica cómo usar los recursos en el Paquete informativo
de inscripción para proveedores de cuidado infantil legalmente exentos (OCFS-7026-S) para promover
la salud y seguridad de los niños. Resume las circunstancias en las que los proveedores deben
contactar a las familias y agencias de inscripción. El curso también describe los distintos tipos
de inspecciones a las que los programas y proveedores pueden tener que someterse, cómo prepararse
para ellas y qué esperar durante una inspección.
Este curso provee 1.5 horas de capacitación en los siguientes temas de capacitación de OCFS:
- Seguridad y protección
- Nutrición y salud
- Mantenimiento de récords de negocio y gerencia
- Estatutos y regulaciones relacionados al cuidado infantil
- Desarrollo de un programa de cuidado infantil
Regístrese hoy.
Dec 19, 2022
Dec 16, 2022
Dec 13, 2022
Dec 12, 2022
Dec 02, 2022
EIP is now accepting applications for the 2023 scholarship year.
We are pleased to announce some exciting changes with the start of the 2023 scholarship year. The income chart levels
have increased to allow more providers the ability to participate, the annual scholarship caps for both college and
credential training have increased to $2,500, and income is no longer an eligibility factor for CRP/FA scholarships.
Training must begin and end in 2023 to be considered for a scholarship.
The 2022 scholarship year is now closed, and we are no longer accepting applications.
Dec 02, 2022
Oct 31, 2022
Oct 31, 2022
Oct 20, 2022
Oct 20, 2022
Sep 20, 2022
Aug 23, 2022
Aug 15, 2022
The new eLearning "Identifying and Responding to Anaphylaxis" is now available in English and Spanish.
We're pleased to announce the availability of two new eLearnings. The "Identifying and Responding to Anaphylaxis:
Elijah’s Law" course has been updated in both English and Spanish. The new versions are titled "Identifying and
Responding to Anaphylaxis" and "Identificando y Respondiendo a la Anafilaxia". These courses have been revised to
reflect the expansion of OCFS's non-patient-specific epinephrine-auto injector initiative.
You can read more about it in the Dear Provider Letter here.
Licensed and registered programs may now receive 3 epinephrine auto-injector packs (2 injectors, 1 training device in
each pack). These packs are available in the following doses: infant/toddler, child, and older child/teen/adult.
The courses have been expanded to include information on the availability of the new doses and how to get them.
As a result, they now provide 1.5 hours of training in the following OCFS training topics:
- Principles of Childhood Development
- Nutrition and Health
- Safety and Security Procedures
- Business Record Maintenance and Management
You can find the English and Spanish courses in our eLearning catalog.
These courses are also available as On-Demand Trainings. Check out the On-Demand section of our website for more information.
Aug 15, 2022
El nuevo curso eLearning "Identificando y Respondiendo a la Anafilaxia" se encuentra ahora disponible en inglés y español.
Nos place anunciar la disponibilidad de dos nuevos cursos de eLearning.
El curso "Identificando y Respondiendo a la Anafilaxia: Ley de Elijah" ha sido actualizado al inglés y al español.
Las nuevas versiones se titulan "Identifying and Responding to Anaphylaxis" e "Identificando y Respondiendo a la
Anafilaxia". Estos cursos han sido revisados para reflejar la expansión de la iniciativa del autoinyector de
epinefrina no específico al paciente de OCFS. Usted puede leer más sobre esto en la carta de Estimado Proveedor aquí.
Programas licenciados y registrados ahora pueden recibir hasta 3 paquetes de autoinyectores de epinefrina
(2 inyectores, 1 aparato de entrenamiento en cada paquete). Estos paquetes se encuentran disponibles en las siguientes dosis: infante/niño pequeño, niño, y niño mayor/adolescente/adulto.
Los cursos se han expandido para incluir información acerca de la disponibilidad de las nuevas dosis y
cómo conseguirlas. Como resultado, ahora proveen 1.5 horas de capacitación en los siguientes temas de capacitación de
- Principios del Desarrollo Infantil
- Nutrición y Salud
- Seguridad y Procedimientos de Seguridad
- Mantenimiento de Récords de Negocio y Gerencia
Usted puede encontrar los cursos en inglés y español en nuestro catálogo de eLearning.
Estos cursos también se encuentran disponibles como capacitaciones En-Demanda. Visite la sección de En-Demanda de nuestra página electrónica para más información.
Aug 10, 2022
Jun 28, 2022
Jun 21, 2022
Jun 15, 2022
Jun 10, 2022
Jun 01, 2022
May 16, 2022
Infant Formula Shortages
On May 12, 2022, Governor Hochul announced resources for New York families amid nationwide infant formula shortages. Please visit the OCFS website for details or go to
the Governor's site for more information.
Please share this information with impacted families!
Mar 28, 2022
Mar 28, 2022
Sabe usted que: ¿no puede ver, oler o probar el plomo en el agua?
Haciendo una prueba es la única forma de saber si hay plomo presente. La Oficina de Servicios para
Niños y Familias (OCFS, por sus siglas en inglés) se enorgullece de implementar el Programa de Pruebas de Plomo
en el Agua Potable, sin costo alguno, para centros de cuidado infantil autorizados y registrados.
Visite la página web de la OCFS para obtener
más información y conocer todos los detalles sobre este programa.
Mar 28, 2022
Mar 28, 2022
Mar 15, 2022
Mar 03, 2022
For Licensed, Registered, or Legally Exempt Group Providers...
Effective March 2, 2022, masks are no longer required in child care programs.
Children and staff may continue to wear a mask if they prefer to do so.
Efectivo marzo 2, 2022, las máscaras no serán requeridas en los programas de cuidado infantil.
El personal y los niños pueden continuar usando una máscara si así lo prefieren.
Jan 28, 2022
Jan 20, 2022
The newest eLearning course, "Child Care Requirements and Resources for Legally Exempt Providers" is available for training.
This fully narrated course explains how to use the resources in the Enrollment Information Packet for Legally Exempt Providers (OCFS-7026) to promote children's health and safety.
It summarizes circumstances under which providers are required to contact families and enrollment agencies. The course also describes the different kinds of inspections that programs
and providers may undergo, how to prepare for them, and what to expect during an inspection.
This course will provide you with 1.5 hours of training in the following OCFS training topics:
- Safety and Security
- Nutrition and Health
- Business Records
- Statutes and Regulations Pertaining to Child Day Care
- Child Care Program
Register today.
Jan 19, 2022
Jan 19, 2022
Jan 03, 2022
Dec 31, 2021
Dec 20, 2021
Dec 17, 2021
Dec 17, 2021
Directors and Trainers— are you looking for in-service training opportunities?
On-Demand Training gives you 24/7 access to 21 training topics. They include handout materials,
activities, and directions for conducting On-Demand Training sessions. Directors and/or qualified
trainers in child day care centers and school-age child care programs can apply to become On-Demand
You can also apply to deliver On-Demand Training virtually through 6/30/22. Our 21 On-Demand
courses are now available for scheduling from today until 9/30/22.
Learn more about On-Demand Training!
Dec 03, 2021
Dec 02, 2021
EIP is now accepting applications for the 2022 scholarship year.
We are pleased to announce an upgraded application system
with the start of the 2022 scholarship year. The new features remove nearly 100% of paper-based communications.
Applicants will upload application supporting documents during the application submission process.
Applications and awards will be signed electronically, and notifications regarding status changes and
reminder emails will be automatically sent. Training must begin and end in 2022 to be considered for a scholarship.
The 2021 scholarship year is now closed, and we are no longer accepting applications.
Nov 30, 2021
Nov 30, 2021
Nov 29, 2021
Nov 26, 2021
Nov 26, 2021
Nov 24, 2021
Nov 24, 2021
Nov 23, 2021
Are you or your staff interested in getting a COVID-19 booster?
You can use Child Care Stabilization Grant money to pay for support for getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
This can include appointments, paid sick leave, and transportation costs.
Watch these Child Care Stabilization Grant videos for more information:
Remember, the last day to apply for a Child Care Stabilization Grant is Nov. 30th!
Nov 22, 2021
Nov 19, 2021
Nov 19, 2021
Nov 18, 2021
Nov 17, 2021
Nov 17, 2021
Nov 16, 2021
Child Care Stabilization Grants.
Apply now for a Child Care Stabilization Grant! The New York State Office of Children and Family
Services (OCFS) is making federal funding available directly to qualified child care providers.
The purpose of these grants is to help you cover unexpected business costs from the COVID-19 pandemic,
and help stabilize your program so you can resume or continue providing high-quality child care.
To be eligible, your program must be in good standing and be a licensed/registered, permitted NYC
day care center (Article 47), or an enrolled legally exempt group program as of March 11, 2021.
This grant is not a loan so you don't have to pay it back. Just complete the quick and easy online
application. If you're approved, you'll have to keep records (receipts, invoices, etc.) of how you
spend the money. The online application and information are available in English, Spanish, and
multiple other languages! Find out more by going to the Stabilization Help Center website, calling
the Stabilization Help Line (844-863-9319), or by contacting your local CCR&R, union representative
(CSEA or UFT), or WHEDco. These grants are an historic investment in the field of child care.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity and apply!
Oct 28, 2021
Oct 28, 2021
Oct 26, 2021
Oct 20, 2021
Oct 20, 2021
Oct 12, 2021
Oct 12, 2021
Oct 04, 2021
Sep 30, 2021
Sep 30, 2021
Sep 27, 2021
Sep 23, 2021
Sep 23, 2021
Sep 20, 2021
Sep 17, 2021
Emergency Face Covering Regulation.
Effective September 16, 2021, OCFS has implemented an emergency regulation mandating all people in a
child care setting to wear a mask indoors. The mandate applies to all people aged 2 and older who are
able to medically tolerate a face covering, regardless of vaccination status. For more information,
visit the OCFS website.
A partir del 16 septiembre de 2021, la Oficina de Servicios para Niños y Familias (OCFS) ha
implementado un reglamento de emergencia que obliga a todas las personas en un entorno de cuidado
infantil a usar una máscara o barbijo en espacios interiores. El mandato se aplica a todas las
personas mayores de 2 años que puedan tolerar médicamente una cobertura facial, independientemente
del estado de vacunación. Para obtener más información, visite
el sitio web de la OCFS.
Sep 13, 2021
Sep 10, 2021
Aug 27, 2021
Child Care Stabilization Grant.
Did you know you can use the
OCFS Child Care Stabilization Grant to provide you and your staff with 15-hours of classroom
Health and Safety training?
This course gives in-depth, hands-on training on keeping children safe and healthy.
From supervision to cleaning and sanitizing, you'll learn about locating and following the regulations and your
Health Care Plan. Also, a certified trainer may be able conduct the training at your site.
Contact us for more information!
Aug 25, 2021
Aug 05, 2021
Child Care Stabilization Grants.
Apply now for a Child Care Stabilization Grant!
The New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) is making federal funding available directly to qualified child care providers. The purpose of these grants is to help you cover unexpected business costs from the COVID-19 pandemic, and help stabilize your program so you can resume or continue providing high-quality child care.
To be eligible, your program must be in good standing and be licensed/registered, permitted NYC day care center (Article 47), or an enrolled legally exempt group program as of March 11, 2021.
This grant is not a loan so you don’t have to pay it back. Just complete the quick and easy online application. If you’re approved, you’ll have to keep records (receipts, invoices, etc.) of how you spend the money.
The online application and information are available in English, Spanish, and 10 other languages! Find out more by going to the
Stabilization Help Center website , calling the Stabilization Help Line (844-863-9319), or by contacting your local CCR&R, union representative (CSEA or UFT), or WHEDco.
These grants are an historic investment in the field of child care. Take advantage of this unique opportunity and apply!
Jul 26, 2021
Jul 12, 2021
Jul 08, 2021
$25 Million Essential Worker Scholarship.
OCFS is accepting applications for the essential worker scholarship program made available through
federal funding relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Encourage "essential worker" parents of children in
your program to consider applying. Under this grant, funding will be paid on behalf of the essential
worker directly to the program of their choice. All licensed/registered/permitted or enrolled
legally exempt group programs are eligible to receive payments, provided the program is in good
standing with OCFS. Visit the OCFS web site for
more information on eligibility and to apply.
Jul 08, 2021
Jun 23, 2021
New Virtual Class Opportunity.
Registration is now open for the newest virtual class "Supporting Mental Health through Quality Programming" on Monday, July 12th.
Join us to learn about what mental health is and why it's so important to support the mental health of children and adults.
We will also share information about environmental changes you can make in your program to improve everyone's mental health.
Capacity is limited so register today.
May 12, 2021
May 11, 2021
Apr 14, 2021
New Virtual Class Opportunity.
Registration is now open for the newest virtual class "Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) Process" on Wednesday, April 28th.
Join us for insight into special education services for children, with an emphasis on the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE).
We will also share information about communicating with families and your role as a child care provider working with children receiving special education services.
Capacity is limited, so register today.
Mar 17, 2021
Mar 15, 2021
Feb 25, 2021
Jan 26, 2021
Jan 11, 2021
The newest e-Learning course, "Supporting Language Development: Birth to 5," is available for training.
This fully narrated course focuses on supporting young children, and their families, who are dual language learners. It also briefly discusses the significance of language revitalization in Tribal child care programs. The training describes strategies you can use to promote oral language development, engage with families, and bring children's cultures and home languages into your everyday programming.
This course will provide you with 2.5 hours of training in the following OCFS training topics:
- Principles of childhood development, focusing on the developmental stages of the age groups for which the program provides care
- Child care program development
- Safety and security procedures
Register today.
Jan 04, 2021
The newest e-Learning course "Media Use and Safety with Children" is available for training.
During this fully narrated course trainees will gain information on how to keep children safe and engage in good decision making in a cyber dominant world. It will also provide alternatives to technology to encourage children to turn off their screens and be more present in the world around them when they are outside child care program hours.
This course will provide 1.5 hours of training in the following OCFS training topics:
- Principles of childhood development, focusing on the developmental stages of the age groups for which the program provides care
- Child day care program development
- Safety and security procedures
Register today.
Dec 02, 2020
Nov 02, 2020
Nov 02, 2020
Oct 22, 2020
Oct 16, 2020
Special live webinar training: "Supporting Children in Child Care During the COVID-19 Emergency".
Please join us for this special live webinar training taken from your personal computer.
Through a candid conversation with author, speaker and trainer, Barbara Kaiser, we will provide you with information on ways you can support children and families as childcare programs re-open or continue to provide care during the COVID-19 emergency.
This course will provide you with 1.5 hours of training.
Registration is now open but capacity is limited, so register today! Please note, you only need to register for ONE session.
Oct 16, 2020
Oct 01, 2020
Jul 30, 2020
Jul 07, 2020
Interested in Becoming an On-Demand Trainer?
Are you looking for new ways to train your staff? Do you need more flexibility with scheduling? On-Demand Training can help!
This feature gives you 24/7 access to a selection of our previously recorded webcasts, including handout materials.
Click the link above to learn more about On-Demand Training!
Jul 02, 2020
Jul 01, 2020
Jun 30, 2020
Jun 26, 2020
- "Responsible Parties must limit groups to 15 or fewer children/campers, excluding employees/staff, in a specific area (e.g. room) at any given time.
- Responsible Parties must ensure that different stable groups of up to 15 children/campers have no or minimal contact with one another or utilize common spaces at the same time, to the greatest extent possible".
An important note: child care programs are still required to follow the staff/child ratios and maximum group sizes as set forth in regulation.
If you have any questions, please consult your regulator.