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State University of New York, Minerva logo State University of New York, Minerva logo Professional Development Program Rockefeller College University at Albany State University of New York

Early Childhood Education and Training Program

Becoming an Approved MAT Trainer

What are the qualifications for trainers?

  1. Trainers must possess a valid New York State license as a physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner or registered nurse.
  2. Trainers must have familiarity with New York State Office of Children and Family Services child care regulations and various types of child care programs demonstrated through at least one of the following:
    • experience working with children in a NYS licensed/registered child care program; or
    • experience as a Health Care Consultant for the Child Care community or Board of Education community; or
    • experience as an approved SUNY Health & Safety Trainer; or
    • other experience that is directly related to the NYS OCFS child care community.
  3. Trainers must have minimum of 1 year experience working with adults as a trainer.
  4. Trainers must have a valid e-mail address.
  5. Trainers must have the ability to download and print materials.

What is the Training of Trainers (TOT) course?

The MAT TOT is a three-day course designed to prepare trainers to effectively facilitate the MAT provider course. The TOT focuses on objectively observing participant skills and competency. The TOT covers the entire MAT provider course in detail. Participants must pass all of the MAT course competencies including the written test and the hands-on demonstration. In addition to the MAT course testing materials, trainer candidates must also pass a written test, observation of skills demonstration and a teach-back component.

MAT Training of the Trainer (TOT) dates:

April 2025

June 2025

Location TBD
TBD 2025

Applications (including a résumé) to become a MAT Trainer are currently being accepted.

If I become a certified trainer, when will I need to renew my certificate?

Trainer certificates must be renewed every three years. Trainers must conduct a minimum of two (2) MAT trainings per year to be eligible for renewal.

How will providers know that I am an approved trainer?

The Medication Administration Training Program maintains a website listing trainers who are currently approved to conduct the MAT course. In addition, you may want to include this link on materials you develop to promote the training you offer.

How much should I charge for the MAT course?

As a professional, it is your responsibility to determine the cost for the training you offer.

I meet the qualifications and want to become a MAT trainer.

If you meet the eligibility requirements, complete the application to become an approved MAT tranier.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. When the initial application is accepted, PDP will contact prospective trainers to submit any necessary supporting documents before making a final determination. Applicants selected to attend the three-day TOT session will be sent pre-requisite material to complete prior to the training.

If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact the MAT program via email.