Professional Development Program
Rockefeller College
University at Albany
State University of New York
Early Childhood Education and Training Program
Become an approved EIP trainer
Step 1
In order to be eligible to participate with EIP, you must be one of the following trainer types:
- Professional Development Specialist (Early Childhood, School-Age or Both)
- Verified Trainer
- Content Specialist
- NYS Training and Technical Assistance Professional Coach (T-TAP Coach)
- Verified Coach
- Higher Education Faculty
- EIP approved Subject Matter Expert or Nationally Recognized Expert
Note: If believe you qualify as a Nationally Recognized Expert or a Subject Matter Expert/Consultant, please contact
EIP directly at or (800) 295-9616.
Step 2
Create an account in Aspire:
For more information go to:
Step 3
Once you are listed in Aspire as an approved trainer type, please thoroughly read and
complete the following forms for EIP:
- Training Organization Agreement
- Contact and Information Form
- W-9 – as individual or business tax ID
You can send completed forms to EIP by:
- E-Mail:
- Mail: Professional Development Program
4 Tower Place, 4th Floor
Albany, NY 12203
Step 4
When the completed forms are received by EIP, you will be asked to set up a virtual meeting with the EIP Supervisor
and/or the EIP Compliance Specialist to review EIP policies, procedures, and best practices.
After the meeting has been completed, your documentation will be processed, and EIP will assign you a username for
the PDP Training Portal. You will receive an email to activate your account on the Training Portal.
Step 5
Review the Event Approval Guide for Training Organizations, located under the Docs tab in the Training Portal. You can
use this guide to submit your course(s) for approval. Depending upon the subject you teach, you will also need to upload
the course syllabus for approval.
Step 6
Once the course has been reviewed and approved, you can schedule your trainings in the Training Portal. Scheduled
events will be available on the ECETP training calendar. Participants can then register directly with your organization
and apply for EIP funding.