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State University of New York, Minerva logo State University of New York, Minerva logo Professional Development Program Rockefeller College University at Albany State University of New York

Early Childhood Education and Training Program

e-Learning trainings are a convenient way for all child care providers in New York State to meet their required training hours at no cost.

Funding is available to help child care providers obtain professional development and education, to help facilities offset the cost of MAT training.

Virtual Classes offer interactive online training on early childhood education topics. Classes are instructor-led and feature video, interactive discussion, activities and resources. Classes can be taken on a desktop computer, smart phone, tablet or other device.

Latest News

Mar 24, 2025

Celebrate National Nutrition Month with "Moving and Grooving"! 

March is National Nutrition Month, and as child care providers, you help shape healthy habits that children will use for life. This month, we encourage you to not just focus on healthy meals and snacks, but also on the importance of physical activity in our shared mission to support children's overall growth and development.

On May 15th, join our "Moving and Grooving in Your Child Care Program" training to discover the importance of musical experiences during the early years as a way to keep kids active. From dance breaks to outdoor play, you'll learn fun and practical strategies to support motor skills and spark a love for movement.

Celebrate National Nutrition Month by promoting healthy, active lifestyles in your program! Be sure to visit our training calendar to register today.

Mar 24, 2025

¡Celebre el Mes Nacional de la Nutrición con "Moviéndose y bailando"! 

Marzo es el Mes Nacional de la Nutrición y, como proveedores de cuidado infantil, ayudan a dar forma a hábitos saludables que los niños usarán de por vida. Este mes, lo alentamos a que no solo se concentre en comidas y refrigerios saludables, sino también en la importancia de la actividad física en nuestra misión compartida de apoyar el crecimiento y desarrollo general de los niños.

El 15 de mayo, únase a nuestra capacitación "Moverse y bailar en su programa de cuidado infantil" para descubrir la importancia de las experiencias musicales durante los primeros años como una forma de mantener a los niños activos. Desde pausas para bailar hasta juegos al aire libre, aprenderá estrategias divertidas y prácticas para apoyar las habilidades motoras y despertar el amor por el movimiento.

¡Celebre el Mes Nacional de la Nutrición promoviendo estilos de vida saludables y activos en su programa! Asegúrese de visitar nuestro calendario de capacitación para registrarse hoy.

Mar 17, 2025

We are pleased to announce that the virtual training "Active Supervision in Child Care" is now available as an On-Demand training in both English and Spanish. 

Approved On-Demand trainers can access the training materials through their Training Portal account.

On-Demand Training provides 24/7 access to a selection of previously recorded webcasts and current eLearning courses. On-Demand Trainings were developed in partnership with OCFS, and successful completion of these courses can help providers meet the OCFS training requirements. Course materials include handouts and directions for conducting the trainings. You can view a complete list of the On-Demand Training courses and the OCFS training topics they cover.

If you are looking for more information on becoming an On-Demand trainer visit the ECETP website: PDP - For Training Organizations and Trainers.

Mar 17, 2025

Nos complace anunciar que la capacitación virtual "Supervisión Activa en el Cuidado de Niños" ya está disponible como capacitación On-Demand tanto en inglés como en español. 

Los formadores aprobados de On-Demand pueden acceder a los materiales de formación a través de su cuenta del Portal de Formación.

On-Demand Training proporciona acceso las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana a una selección de webcasts previamente grabados y cursos de eLearning actuales. Las capacitaciones bajo demanda se desarrollaron en asociación con OCFS, y la finalización exitosa de estos cursos puede ayudar a los proveedores a cumplir con los requisitos de capacitación de OCFS. Los materiales del curso incluyen folletos e instrucciones para llevar a cabo las capacitaciones. Puede ver una lista completa de los cursos de formación bajo demanda y los temas de formación de OCFS que abarcan.

Si está buscando más información sobre cómo convertirse en un capacitador On-Demand, visite el sitio web de ECETP: PDP - Para Organizaciones de Capacitación y Capacitadores.

Older News Items

For Providers

OCFS Reviewed Distance Learning Courses

Distance Learning Options

Distance Learning (e-Learning) Courses

This video describes how to use the OCFS Reviewed Distance Learning Courses page, clarifies what courses count for training credit and which ones do not, and tells how to determine when a distance learning course can be used by providers to help them fulfill their required training hours.

The New York State Office of Children and Family Services, Bureau of Training offers FREE 24/7 online Mandated Reporter Training in Child Abuse and Neglect/Maltreatment Identification.

Read about the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential

Download: Medication Administration Training (MAT) brochure (PDF format)

Go to our for providers page for more resources!


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